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import apcslib.*; import chn.util.

*; public class Pictures { public static void printTable (int rows, int cols) { System.out.print(" "); for(int columns = 1; columns <= cols; columns++) System.out.print(Format.right(columns,4)); System.out.println(" "); int num = 0; for(int myRow = 1; myRow <= rows; myRow++) { System.out.print(Format.left(myRow,2)); for(int myCol = 1; myCol <= cols; myCol++) { num = myRow * myCol; System.out.print(" " + Format.right(num,3)); } System.out.println(" "); } } public static void pyramid (int lines) { int line, space, star, loop , starLoop; for(line = 1; line <= lines; line++) { space = lines - line; star = (line * 2) - 1; for (loop = 1; loop <= space; loop++) System.out.print(" "); for(starLoop = 0; starLoop < star; starLoop++) System.out.print("*"); System.out.println(" "); } } public static void main(String[] args) { ConsoleIO input = new ConsoleIO(); String get; printTable(4,6); get = input.readLine(); // freezes the output screen to see the picture printTable(11,12);

get = input.readLine(); pyramid(10); get = input.readLine(); pyramid(25); get = input.readLine(); } }

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