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Diseases and their suitable gem remedy 1. AIDS (HIV) - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) causes AIDS. This virus attacks on and damages the immune system of the body, leaving it vulnerable to several life-threatening diseases. This disease can be transmitted, through sexual contacts, through blood transfusion and from a mother to child. Common symptoms of AIDS are Chills, Fever, Sweats (particularly at night), Weakness and sudden Weight loss. Remedy- Use of turquoise gem, moon stone or zircon can be useful. It is also essential to use Yellow sapphire and blue Sapphire. However the gems should be pure in its content for the favorable results.

2. Allergy- Allergy is an overloading on the immune system. This is caused due to an inappropriate immune system. Allergies can be due to dust, pets, pollen, paints, perfumes, chemicals etc., The symptoms are sneezing constantly, a runny nose, cravings for foods, sugar or alcohol, dry skin, eczema, migraines, headaches, tiredness and lethargy, poor concentration, memory problems and digestive disorders. Remedy- Pure ruby and yellow sapphire. Likewise cool nature gem to be used.

3. Amnesia(Memory loss)- Amnesia is an abnormal degree of forgetfulness and/or inability to recall past events. Memory loss has multiple causes including a number of chronic medical and psychological conditions, trauma, medications, drug or alcohol abuse, and infections. Remedy- 3 carat emerald, 9 carat coral in silver ring or, gold, silver and copper mix bangle to be used.

4. Anemia- Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough hemoglobin , the healthy red blood cells to provide oxygen to body tissues. The causes of anemia can be poor diet, certain medications, pregnancy, and blood loss like heavy menstrual periods. The symptom includes chest pain, dizziness or light headedness, fatigue or lack of energy, headaches, and shortness of breath especially during exercise. Anemic patients have a dull, pale or glow less face. Remedy- Use of 6.15 carats yellow sapphire or silver ring can cure the situation. OR, wearing iron bangle in the wrist can make sure of the proper flow of blood in the body.

5. Appendicitis - Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. It is a small pouch attached to the large intestine. It usually occurs when the appendix is blocked by feces, a foreign object, or a tumor. The symptoms are pain around belly button. The pain may be normal initialy and becomes increasingly sharp and severe. Reduced appetite, nausea, vomiting,

and a low-grade fever. As the inflammation in the appendix increases, the pain tends to move into the right lower abdomen. Remedy- sapphire in the ring finger. Likewise red coral, diamond and ruby can also be used according to the horoscope.

6. Arthritis-This is a form of a joint disorder, that involves inflammation of one or more joints. This disease is caused due to the imbalance in the uric acid which disables the basic joint movements like walking, sitting, standing, etc leaving the body inactive. The symptoms are joint pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth around the joints and limited movements. This disease is generally experienced by the adults and is extremely painful. Remedy- use of yellow sapphire or onyx gem can prevent this disorder.

7. Asthma- Asthma is an inflammatory disorder which affects on the normal process of breathing by restricting the airflow and choking the windpipe. This can be caused by breathing in allergy-causing substances like pet hair, dust, changes in the weather, chemicals, common cold. The symptoms of asthma are abnormal breathing pattern, extreme difficulty in breathing, rapid pulse, wheezing or coughing, shortness of breath, sweating, chest pain and chest tightness. This can also be a hereditary disorder. Remedy- Wearing 5 carats moonstone, 4 carats yellow sapphire or 6.15 carrots emerald can be useful. Also eating milk pudding which had been kept the entire night under the moonlight of the full moon of the eighth month (kartik poornima) can also be very helpful.

8. Baldness: Baldness is caused by the body's failure to produce new hair and not by excessive hair loss. It is related to aging, heredity, and testosterone. A sudden physical or emotional stress, high fever or severe infection, major surgery, major illness, sudden blood loss, medications may cause baldness. The symptoms are hair coming out in handfuls while doing shampoo, comb, or by just running hands through the hair. Remedy- Wear quarter five carat blue sapphire or 4 carat emerald. Likewise use of yellow sapphire and ruby together can stop the process of baldness.

9. Blood Cancer- Blood Cancer is a stage where the body is unable to produce normal blood cells. Due to high white blood cell counts the bodys ability to fight infection weakens. The cause of this disease is not clear however it can be related to infections. Symptoms of blood cancer can be upper abdominal pain, bone or joint pain, easy bleeding or bruising, fatigue, fever and chills, frequent infections, urination, nausea unexplained weight loss etc. This is an incurable disease. Remedy- Use of coral can prevent this disease.

10. Boils (Skin Abscesses)- Pus enclosed within tissue is referred to as an abscess or boil. It is a localized skin infection. They are very common and are caused by the bacteria and fungi found on the skin's surface. The Symptoms are a tender, pinkish-red, swollen, firm area in the skin filled with pus. Remedy- 5 carat moonstone, 3 carat lapis lazuli, is helpful.

11. Brain fever ( meningitis)- An acute inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord. Brain fever is generally caused as a result of various types of viral and bacterial infections. This happens due to exposure to contaminated air, undigested infected food, with direct contact, insect bites and contaminated water. Symptom are vomiting or drowsiness, severe muscle weakness or seizure attacks, severe headaches, disorientation or even sensitivity to light, occasionally stiff back and neck, etc. Remedy-To prevent this use of Red coral, yellow sapphire, emerald will be helpful. Can wear ruby also if the horroscope allows, however it should be removed in the night or in the sunlight. 12. Brain Hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) Rupture of blood vessels in the brain causing severe bleeding and brain damage is called cerebral brain hemorrhage. Sudden and severe shock or injury to the brain, high blood pressure, and a cardiovascular disease leading to spontaneous bleeding may result in hemorrhage. Common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, uncontrolled physical movement, sudden headache, unconsciousness, and neurological disabling (impaired speech, physical movement, numbness, and constant weakness). Remedy- 7 red coral , moonstone or pearl in silver with the zodiac gem OR with zodiac gem coral, sapphire and ruby is also very useful. 13. Brain Tumour- A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain or the central spinal. The people with certain risk factors are more likely to develop a brain tumor. The most common symptoms of brain tumors are headaches-usually worse in the morning, nausea or vomiting, changes in speech, vision, or hearing , problems balancing or walking, problems with memory, muscle jerking or twitching (seizures or convulsions), numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. Remedy- wear emerald, yellow sapphire, or red coral of the same weight. Can use copper bangle, or the intake of the ashes of emerald, sapphire, coral is also very effective.

14. Cancer- Cancer happens when normal cells change so that they grow in an uncontrolled way. This uncontrolled growth causes a tumour to form in the different parts of the body. The cancer can be in the various part of the body e.g. lung cancer- happens due to exessive smoking, skin cancer- due to an exessive exposure in the sun etc. The real cause of the cancer is not clear.

Remedy-wear ruby in the middle finger either in gold or copper OR blue sapphire in the ring finger. After surgery wearing quarter seven carat sapphire and 7 carat coral is effective.

15. Cataract- A cataract is any opacity of the lens of the eye. It cloud the lens of the eye and affects focusing on objects, it is like looking through a dirty window, glare around lights, Reading difficulties. The most common cause of cataracts is the natural aging of the eye. Symptoms may be noticed only in certain types of light, eye strain with some associated discomfort. Remedy- To prevent this emerald and pearl is very auspicious. Use of an energised ruby or coral is useful. likewise quarter three carat emrald, pearl and coral is also very useful.

16. Cholera- Cholera is an infection of the small intestine. This is caused by bacteria. The main symptoms are sudden profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting. This is transmitted by consuming contaminated drinking water or food due to poor sanitation. The typical symptoms of dehydration include low blood pressure, wrinkled skin and hands, sunken eyes, and a rapid pulse. Remedy- use of 5 carat emerald, yellow sapphire, moonstoneis very helpful.

17. Chickenpox- Chickenpox is a common viral illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters (pox) all over the body. It can cause problems for pregnant women, newborns, teens and adults, and people who have immune system problems. It can spread easily from an infected person who sneezes, coughs, or by sharing food or drinks, or by touching the fluid from a chickenpox blister. The symptoms often are a fever, a headache, and a sore throat. Remedy- Copper bangles, red clothes or red coral should be used to prevet this.

18. Chronic cough and hoarseness - Inflammation of the voice box or larynx, which affects the voice to sound raspy. It is the result of rusty and sleepy vocal cords. The most common cause of coarseness is flu or cold, vocal cord lesions and muscle tension. One of the main indications of hoarseness is that the voice sounds deeper than normal, or even breaks during speech patterns. Remedy- Wear Red dress and copper ring. Otherwise peridot gem is advisable.

19. Cold and allergic fever-(Hay fever) Hay fever is one type of allergy (allergic rhinitis) triggered by pollen, dust, and molds in the air. Symptoms may include: Itchy, watery eyes, Sneezing, Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose, Temporary loss of smell, Headache, Fatigue.

Remedy- the prevention is consuming of ashes of the gems. Use of emrald of the same carat which equals to the body weight or ruby is also helpful. Similarly yellow sapphire and pearl can be recommended according to the the horroscope.

20. Cold fever- In this disease the body shivers followed by high fever. This disease occurs generally when malaria is not treated well. The body experience red blood deficiency disorder. Cold fever is also a primary symptom of TB, AIDS, cancer. Remedy- Use of energised quarter five carat ruby in silver ring, copper bangle/ bracelet or copper ring can also be used.

21. Colour blindness- Color blindness is the inability to see certain colors in the usual way. This is caused when there is a problem with the color-sensing materials (pigments) in certain nerve cells of the eye. The most common type of color blindness is making a difference between red and green. The Symptoms are Trouble seeing colors and the brightness of colors in the usual way, Inability to tell the difference between shades of the same or similar colors. Remedy-Use of ruby, pearl and coral is very helpful.

22. Common Cold- Common Cold is an upper respiratory infection. This is usually caused by a cold virus spreads through tiny, air droplets that are released when the sick person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose. Symptoms of common cold are sore or scratchy throat, blocked and/or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, headache. Sometimes mild fever and general aches and pains. Cold can be contagious. Remedy- Use of Ruby, coral or yellow sapphire can be helpful.

23. Conjunctivitis this is an Infection of white of an eye and is caused by an irritant. It could be a bacterial or viral infection or a chemical exposure. It is a highlly infectious. Conjunctivitis usually infects both eyes and produces a heavy discharge of pus and mucus. This disease generally happens during summer or monsoon season and is a contagious disease. Remedy- Emerald, opal, moonstone and zircon can be helpful. 24. Diabeties- Diabetes is a lifelong disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. Those with diabetes are at high risk for a number of complications. Diabetes can be caused by too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both. The symptoms are Blurry vision, excessive thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, hunger. Remedy- Horscope gem, red coral, yellow sapphire is very auspicious.

25. Dysentry - Dysentery is an inflammatory disorder of the intestine. If left untreated, dysentery can be fatal. This is caused by infection. Symptoms are a mild illness, frequent watery stools, often with blood and mucus, with pain, dehydration with fever and abdominal pain. Remedy- should wear gems associated with their lagnesh and ashtmesh together. Emerald and moonstone is also useful. 26. Epilepsy- Epilepsy is a medical condition caused by excessive electrical activity in the brain with a prolonged seizures. This is caused by abnormalities like, tumors, vascular malformations or traumatic injuries in the the brain. The symptoms, which typically manifest during sleep, could be bicycle pedaling motions, pelvic thrusting , screaming, laughing ,deviation of the head and eyes to one side, complete or partial unresponsiveness, difficulty speaking, abnormal posturing of the body . Remedy- Use of Emrald and moonstone with the horoscope gem is effective. 27. Frequent accidents and wounds- Where there is a vulnerability towards frequent fatel accidents , either breaking or loss of body parts happens, the tumor develops in the open wounds of the body very frequent. Remedy- Wear moonstone in the silver, iron, or copper. Yellow sapphire is also very useful. Use of red coral or pearl can prevent the accidents and the wounds get cured fast.

28. Frost Bite(cold related injuries)- Frostbite is the freezing of any part of the body. Ice crystals form within or between the cells. Red blood cells and platelets clump and restrict blood flow, especially to the ears, fingers, toes and nose. These areas usually are the first to turn cold, white, hard, and numb. Cold-related injuries, such as hypothermia and frostbite, occur when low temperatures damage the body. In hypothermia, the body's internal temperature falls, causing blood flow and breathing to get dangerously slow. In frostbite, outer parts of the body, such as fingers and toes, start to freeze. Remedy- red clothes or red thread, or copper ring, coral or ruby to wear.

29. Gangrene- Gangrene is defined as the destruction of tissue . This develops when the blood supply to an affected body part is cut off because of various factors such as infection, vascular disease, or trauma. Gangrene can involve any body part, but the most commonly affected areas are the extremities of feet, arms, legs, hands. The symptoms- the skin may be pale at first, but soon turns red or brown and finally greenish-black. Remedy- to prevent this red thread, red clothes, red coral, copper ring and ruby is very helpful. 30. Gasteric- Gastritis is an inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the lining of the stomach. The most common causes are alcohol, smoking, backflow of bile into the stomach (bile reflux), excess gastric acid secretion (such as from stress), viral infection, especially in

people with a weak immune system. Gastritis can last a short time or for months to years . The symptoms are abdominal pain, dark stools, loss of appetite, Nausea, Vomiting. Remedy- wearing Red clothes, coral, sapphire is very important. 31. Gland fever- Due to the the bacteria there is a swelling in the glands. This is very much like influenza, body tiredness, and others are the symptoms of this fever. Remedy-as per the zodiac sign the gems should be used, alognwith ruby and red coral is recommended. Wearing clothes in red colour can also prevent this disease. 32. Goiter- A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland however it is not cancer. The main cause is a lack of dietary iodine . The main symptom is a swollen thyroid gland. The size may range from a single small nodule to a large neck lump. Breathing difficulties, Cough, Hoarseness, Swallowing difficulties can be some issues related to goiter. There may be neck vein swelling and dizziness when the arms are raised above the head. Remedy- to prevent this pearl, ruby,cat eye to wear. 33. Headache - A headache is pain or discomfort in the head. The most common headaches are caused by tight muscles in shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaw. They are caused due to stress, depression, anxiety, overworking, not getting enough sleep, missing meals, using alcohol, exerting too much, Poor sleep position, cough, cold , weak eyesight etc. Its symptoms are vision disturbances or nausea. Remedy- wearing blue sapphire or yellow sapphire, use of copper ring, 9 gems (navratna) pendant, ruby, pearl, emerald according to the horoscope can be very useful. 34. Heart Disease- Any disorder that affects the heart's ability to function normally is a heart disease. The most common cause of heart disease is a narrowing of or blockage in the coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle, blood clotting in the arteries, high blood pressure, weakening of the heart's pumping ability, viral infection, or toxins. Some heart diseases are present at birth. The symptom of this disease is abnormal heart rhythm, abnormal heart valve function, and sudden pain starting from left hand spread to the right hand, breathlessness, anxiety, lethargy. A heart patient lives on medication and under special care lifelong. Remedy-Wearing coral or yellow sapphire can help. In some special situation pearl or emerald can also be helpful. .

35. Hernia- A hernia occurs when a piece of an organ bulges out through the tissues that typically contain it. While a hernia can happen anywhere in the body, hernias typically develop in the abdominal wall. Most often there are no symptoms. However, sometimes there may be discomfort or pain. The discomfort may be worse when you stand, strain, or lift heavy objects. Remedy- Pearl pendant in silver. Diamond and sapphire are also useful.

36. High blood pressure- High blood pressure is a condition where the pressure is higher than normal. Usually it does not have any symptoms and is often termed the "silent killer" or "silent disease."A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered to be high blood pressure, which is also known as hypertension. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to strokes, aneurysms, blood clots and tissue or organ damage Remedy-one should wear these gems according to their horroscope. 8 carat red coral is recommended. To help the horoscope recommended gem emrald, pearl, moonstone can be useful. 37. Hysteria- Hysteria is a mental disorder arising from intense anxiety. The most common causes of hysteria are sexual repression, perverted habits of thought, and idleness. Heredity plays an important part . The emotional situations may be mental, strain, stress, fear, worry, depression, traumatism, masturbation, and prolonged sickness. Symptoms of Hysteria may include Heaviness in the limbs, cramps; Wild painful cries, loss of consciousness; Weakness, emotional instability Remedy-sapphire, moonstone and pearl is recomemded.

38. Impotence- Having difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection. An erection requires the interaction and coordination of brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels. Anything that interferes with the normal process can lead to this problem leaving a man infertile. This disease is caused due to extreme Stress, fear, anxiety, anger, diabetics, high blood pressure, thyroid, poor blood flow, depression, use of Nicotine, alcohol, or cocaine, Unrealistic sexual expectations and Medications such as sleeping pills, antidepressants, etc. Remedy-Use of green or yellow sapphire can cure this disease.

39. Influenza- Acute respiratory viral infection accompanied by fever, chills, sore throat, headache, body aches, runny nose and severe cough begins abruptly. Those who work in the polluted environment may face this kind of a fever. Remedy- Red coral, sapphire. If the disease comes again then black agate, ruby or sunstone gem should be worn together in one pendent.

40. Insomnia- It is a condition in which there is trouble falling or staying asleep, the absence of restful sleep, or poor quality of sleep. The causes for insomnia is certain illnesses like some heart and lung diseases, Pain, anxiety and depression, Medicines, Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and other substances that affect sleep. Insomnia is a symptom and not a disease. Remedy- To prevent this wear turquoise, zircon, opal, pearl. Yellow sapphire is also very effective.

41. Jaundice- Jaundice is a yellow staining of the skin and whites of the eyes with pigmentation (bilirubin). Jaundice is not a disease but rather a sign that can occur in many different diseases. This is caused by high levels of the chemical bilirubin in blood being produced for the liver to remove from the blood, a defect in the liver or blockage of the bile ducts caused by cancers, gallstones, or inflammation of the bile ducts Remedy-5 carat emrald, 7 carat dark red coral, 4 carat sapphire, silver ring, copper bangle can be used. Once the jaundice is over it is very important to remove the sapphire from body.

42. Leg problems-leg is controlled by the saturn. There are several problems related to legs like;dryness, swelling, cracks, cramps, heat in legs etc. Remedy- Yellow sapphire, blue sapphire or lapis lazuli of 7 1/2 carat, ruby 5 1/2 carat, white sapphire 3.15 carat in different fingers can be used to prevent it.

43. Liver swelling- this is a liver infection where there is a swelling on the liver. This happens due to polluted water or food. Headache, vomiting, fever, muscular and joint pain are the symptoms. It can lead to jaundice after 3 or 4 days. Remedy- wear yellow sapphire and ruby. As a helper moonstone can also be used. Also the intake of ashes of the gems is useful.

44. Lowerback pain- Lowerback pain is a state of compressed and Stressed spinal cord. The causes for the lowerback pain can be aging, normal wear and tear of daily activities, heavy physical labor, lack of physical activity, obesity, overexertion. Symptom are pain while sitting or standing, cramps etc. Remedy-8 carat coral, or ruby otherwise iron ring can be used. Likewise 3 carat onyx and 2 carat blue sapphire can also be helpful.

45. Malaria- Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by the biting of an infected mosquito. The symptoms are sudden and violent shaking chills; intermittent fever; sweating; exhaustion and fatigue; headaches; seizures; delirium, flu-like symptoms, and anemia. Remedy- 5 carat pearl, 11 carat moonstone or coral to be used. 46. Mayopia- Myopia is called nearsightedness, in which the eye has difficulty focusing on distant objects. Myopia results when the images the retina registers is blurred while lightwaves enters the eye. The symptoms are squinting when looking at distant objects, straining to see when driving, difficulty seeing the ball when playing baseball, tennis, and similar sports, frequent headaches at the end of the day etc.

Remedy-pearl, moonstone or coral can reduce the effect of mayopia. 47. Mouth blisters- This happens due to spicy food, meat eating, change of water, gasteric problems. It troubles while eating or drinking water. Remedy- use Crystal stone, pearl or moonstone. Wear red clothes, wear copper ring. Use of coral is very useful in fast healing. 48. Mumps- Mumps is a disease caused by a virus that usually spreads through saliva and can infect many parts of the body, especially the salivary glands. In cases of mumps, these glands typically swell and become painful. The pain gets worse when the child swallows, talks, chews, or drinks acidic juices (like orange juice). Remedy- red or white coral can help preventing this disease. 49. Paralysis- It is a loss of nuscle movement and coordination in some part of the body.such as hand muscle, leg muscle, facial muscle. This is caused due to the imbalance of the air elements of the human body, strokes , tumors, trauma etc are the leading causes for paralysis. Numbness, tingling sensation, impairment of vision etc. can be the symptoms. Remedy- wearing coral or ruby or moonstone is very helpful.

50. Peptic ulcers- A peptic ulcer is erosion in the lining of the stomach or the small intestine and is caused by the irritating acids produced in the stomach. If this protective lining is disturbed or breaks down, it results in inflammation of an ulcer. This disease is caused specially due to excessive smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco and drugs, irregular eating habits, anxiety, regular use of aspirin, ibuprofen. The symptoms are, unable to drink fluid, hunger feeling, nausea, pain in upper abdomen, weight loss, bloody stools etc. Remedy- Emerald or blue sapphire can be used. In serious conditions intake of the ashes of coral or emerald gems helps. Also wearing moonstone, onyx, crystal beeds garland or wearing lapis lazuli in the middle finger can be very helpful.

51. Piles (Hemorrhoids)- This is a condition of weakened and swollen veins in the anus or outside the anal opening and they are painful. These are caused by Straining during bowel movement, Sitting for long periods, pregnancy, constipation and are caused by congestion in the veins of the anus. The Symptoms are Pain, itching, Constipation, and Bleeding. Remedy- White pearl, moonstone or red coral is helpful.

52. Pimples/ Acne- These are skin conditions that causes whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red growths. The skin becomes clogged when sweat glands produce excessive oil leaving the pores blocked. Dirt, debris, bacteria, and inflammatory cells builds up on them to form swelling and red bumps. Acne is most common in teenagers because of the hormonal changes, which is the main reason for the increase of oil in the skin.

Remedy- use of pure silver ring with 4-5 carrot coral or 8-9 carrots pearl and lapis lazuli in the small finger can be helpful.

53. Pneumonia- This is a advance stage of cold fever. In this the infection attacks the lungs first and leaves it swollen up. The immune power of the body becomes weak. High fever, shivering, head and chest pain are the symptoms. Remedy- Red coral and yellow sapphire is very impotant to wear. 54. Polio- is a highly infectious viral disease that may attack the central nervous system. Poliovirus can be spread by direct exposure to an infected individual. The major route of transmission is fecal-oral, which occurs primarily with poor sanitary conditions. The virus is believed to enter the body through the mouth. The symptoms are trouble breathing and swallowing. If the brainstem is severely affected can also lead to death. Remedy- Blue sapphire, lapis-lazuli, Indranil, sphatik locket. Sapphire or gems according to the horoscope is recommended. 55. Glaucoma- This is an eye disorder where there is a continuous flow of water, people who live in the polluted areas, construction sites, or near inflammable substance are more prone to this disease. Due to this disease the patient can experience blurred sight, or blindness, redness and swelling in the eyes. Headache, stomachache, or vomiting are the symptoms of this disease. Remedy- to prevent this moonstone, white pearl or ruby is very useful.

56. Schizophrenia- Schizophrenia is a mental disorder where the patient is unable to differenciate between real and unreal experiences, to think logically, to have normal emotional responses, and to behave normally in social situations. this diesease is caused due to the trauma, anxiety, any kind of muscular disorder or use of drugs. the symptoms are feeling tense, trouble sleeping or concentrating, becoming isolated, hallucinations, delusions, Remedy-use emerald, yellow sapphiread and moonstone. Red coral can also be useful. 57. Kidney Stones - A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that forms in the kidney. This is caused from the substances in the urine. It may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl. Small stones pass out of the body during urination however sometimes it may get stuck in the urinary tract, blocking the flow of urine and cause great pain. remedy- For the prevention, should wear blue sapphire, red coral and moonstone. If still pain sustain wear ruby or pearl according to the horoscope for a boost. 58. Seizures or Convulsions- The person's body shakes rapidly and uncontrollably. During convulsions, the person's muscles contract and relax repeatedly. Seizures are caused by disorganized and sudden electrical activity in the brain. Such seizures usually involve muscle rigidity, violent muscle contractions, and loss of consciousness. It can caused by the use of alcohol , brain illness or injury, drug abuse, epilepsy, low blood sugar, stroke, very high

blood pressure etc. The symptoms could be drooling or frothing at the mouth, Sudden falling, teeth clenching, temporary halt in breathing, uncontrollable muscle spasms with twitching and jerking limbs. Remedy- Wear red or black agate. 8 carat red coral, 4 hessonite in 8 metals mixture is very useful. 59. Skin inflammation-(Dermatitis) - inflammation of the skin is an allergic reaction to something that irritates the skin and is manifested by one or more lines of red, swollen, blistered skin that may itch or weep. Dermatitis can occur on any part of the body, but it usually affects the hands, feet, and groin. Remedy- wearing red clothes, 8 carat red coral, 2 carat pearl or moonstone is recomendable.

60. Skin swelling This happens due to allergy or chemical substance. Can cause blood related problems and disturbs the entire system of the body. Remedy- to wear zodiac gem, pearl and white opal.

61. Sore Throat- Sore throat is the most common infection of the throat. This infection is caused by germs. Excessive smoking and drinking can also be the cause for sore throat. The symptoms may include fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, swollen throat. Generally sore throat can be treated easily. Remedy-Holding of onyx or moonstone can prevent this disorder.

62. Sunstroke- there is an increase in the body temperature with sweat. Skin becomes dry, and the body water reduces to an extent due to continuous urination. Remedy- Sapphire and moonstone is useful.

63. Swelling in the intestine(collities)- the main reason for collities is the increase in the irrtating acids due to which there is a severe pain in the upper abdomen. This is a bacterial infection in the intestine. The symptoms are frequent vomiting, dirrhea/ dysentry, fever. This can happen due to poisonous food, infected water etc. Remedy- Emrald, moonstone is helpful. 64. Syphilis- Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, that is caused by a bacteria(germ) known as Syphilis and is passed from one person to another during sexual contact, by touching the blood or sores of a person who has syphilis, especially sores on the person's

mouth, penis, vagina or anus. The first sign of syphilis may be a sore on the private parts. The most common sign is a rash, other signs of syphilis include fever, swollen lymph glands, body aches, sores in the mouth and fatigue. Remedy- white coral or red coral is very important to wear. 65. Tooth and gum disease: Bleeding gums can be a sign of a gum disease. Inflamed gums are mainly due to inadequate plaque removal from the teeth at the gum line. If Plaque not removed regularly, it will get harden and lead to increased bleeding. Improper brushing and flossing technique may also be the cause of the damage of the tooth and gum tissue. Its symptoms are toothache, swelling and bleeding of gums, bad mouth smell, and formation of pus in gums. It constantly needs superior oral hygienic care. Remedy- use of yellow sapphire, onyx or moonstone will be very helpful.

66. Tonsillitis- This is a severe infection with swelling of the tonsils, which are located in the throat. Tonsillitis can be caused by a variety of organisms and viruses. Tonsillitis usually clears up on its own, but can cause serious complications and can make the patient bedridden. The symptoms can be-Pain while swallowing, fever and chills, headache, red and swollen tonsils, loss of appetite, patches of white pus on the tonsils etc. Remedy-Gold, silver, yellow sapphire or topaz can be used. Wear 3 carat coral in silver in the ring finger, coral and yellow sapphire pendents can also be useful. 67. Tuberculosis- Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by a bacterial microorganism. The bacteria usually attack the lungs but can also damage other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, kidneys, and bones. The symptoms are a cough lasting three or more weeks that may produce discolored or bloody sputum; unintended weight loss; fatigue or excessive tiredness; slight fever; night sweats; chills; loss of appetite; and pain when breathing or coughing. Remedy- Yellow sapphire, red coral, pearl is very useful. 68. Typhoid- This disease mainly effects the intestine and the spleen. This is a contagious disease. Unhygenic environment, polluted water, contaminated food can cause this disease. It has got very close symptomps of influenza. In typhoid, gas builds up in the stomach and leads to dysentery. Remedy- Wear moonstone, emrald, yellow sapphire.

69. Vein swelling (thrombophlebitis) -Vein swelling is a serious medical condition that occurs when ones veins become distended due to the presence of a blood clot. Also known as, vein swelling may occur in any part of the body. f blood circulation becomes impaired for any reason, blood cells may accumulate and form a clot. As the blood clot grows, the walls of the affected vein become distended, or swollen.

Remedy- for the prevention of this one needs to wear the gems only according to ones horoscope.

70. White spots- This is caused by a loss of pigment in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. This could be a heriditary disease. Remedy- To prevent this diamond of 1.15 carat, 7.15 carat tuquoise, 2.15 carat pearl, is useful. In unique kind of disease, 6.15 carat sapphire is advisable according to the horoscope.

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