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CHAPTER 9 Effectiveness of multitasking Brains are incapable of multi-tasking Brain works sequentially Procrastination defined Behavioral problem that

hat arises from a variety of causes such as fear of failing, lack of focus and needs remedy through such means as est of deadline and breaking down the task into parts 3 types of procrastination avoidant decisional arousal active o knows something is due, but keep thinking about it o usually do a good job 3 Models of time Procedural Traditional Actual steps events , or procedure is more important than time spent on activity promptness is not critical culture: American Indians and Alaskan Eskimos Circular Traditional Model of Time o Emphasizes reptitve nature of time o Model emphasis that today will be much like tomorrow o No discrete units of past present future o Will think like no worries, theres always tomorrow o Lating America ad some asians Linear Separable Model of Time o Speed is valuable o time is money or equivilant to winning or losing o past present future are distinct entities o chronological order o western European College students and procrastination Increases stress Results in subpar performance Causes of procrastination Fear of failure Task is large or complex Seeking the reward before the accomplishment Starting too soon

Over-commitment Lack of focus Time as a resource Time is a Non-Renewable Resource, once it is gone it is lost forever CHAPTER 10 Ways to manage work and family (power point) Marrying later in life o Happier since resources will be set Choosing to have children later in life Spacing children apart Choosing not to have children Difference between dual career and dual income families (power point) Duel earner/income families o employed Dual career families o distinguished by the wife and husbands academic preparation motivation for working and level of career commitment o have higher education and different motivation ie to be to at the top not just money incentive Factors affecting marital satisfaction (power point) Financial security (income, housing) Level of education Physical health Companionship (joint activities) Communication (openness) Conformity to marital role expectations Satisfaction of needs Satisfactory relationship with in-law Characteristics of Young families, Mature families and elderly families (power point) Highest period of satisfaction Satisfaction declines Resources Young highest period of satisfaction first child is born (post partum for some) recent studies show too many hours for dual career families can lead to no for intimate sexual dissatisfaction

satisfaction declines teen years resources a time of struggling sacrifice in early years Mature reconnect with spouse children are grown/gone pride sexual relations better job satisfaction community involvement to replace child care responsibilities Problems and Challenges o Midlife crisis o Mortality o Passing physical and financial peaks o Launching/reentry o Aging parents Elderly (65+) satisfaction is high retirement more participation with chores satisfaction with children achievements mutual respect grandparents role sexual relations good

Babies at work programs (power point) some US companies are allowing employees to bring their babies to work generally until the age of 6-8 months act as coping Percentage of women in labor force with children under the age of 1(power point) within the last decade, increased 70% Family Medical Leave Act (powerpoint and discussion) employees are eligible for up to a total of 12 workweeks for unpaid leave during any 12 month period for birth, adoption, or foster care of a child; care of seriously ill child, spouse, or parent continued health coverage during leave guaranteed job or comparable position

Differences in division of household labor among men and women (power point) married women report doing more household labor than men 70% vs 36% married couples tend to follow traditional gender role expectations the more time one spouse spends at work the more time the other spends on household labor Benefits of work and spillover to families paid parental leave flex appeal: compressed work week, reduced hours, telecommute or combination; child care assistance BENEFITS income benefits pride self-esteem passion (career) Resolving work and family conflicts CHAPTER 11 Causes of stress if it makes you worry negative events cause you more stress than positive events unpredictable events are more stressful uncertain events cause more stress than known events uncontrollable events cause more stress than controllable events anything that causes change in your daily routine is stressful anything that causes change in your body health is stressful imagined changes are just as stressful as real changes 6 types of stress (power point) 1. illness 2. pushing your body too hard 3. environmental factors 4. taking responsibility for another persons actions 5. hormonal factors 6. emotional stress Minor stress irritations minor irritations are actually more stressful than major life events

Stressful Major life events the more changes individuals have experienced in a short time, the more likely they are to become ill even positive life changes with a short period of time can cause people to become sick Stress pile-up families experience stress pileup as they have too many demands energy, time, finances, emotions College students and stress Reasons that college students experience stress (power point) require to learn complex material in a short period of time adapt to a variety of learning styles, environments, demands of new instructors students may set unrealistic goals for themselves by extending themselves work and school non traditional college students may face additional stressors combining work, family, and school financial situations returning to school after long absence competing with younger students Mental, Behavioral, Physical, and emotional signs of stress (power point) physical symptoms include: shortness of breath increased or irregular heart rate chest pains fatigue headache insomnia muscle tension (neck and shoulders) abdominal cramps nausea mental signs include: decreased concentration increased forgetfulness confusion mind racing going blank emotional signs include: anxiety nervousness depression anger frustration fear

short temper impatient behavioral signs include: pacing fidgeting nail biting increased eating smoking and drinking crying yelling swearing blaming throwing things or hitting Children and stress Children can experience stress due to o home/family environment o parental neglect o housing instability o competitive situations o school violence Techniques to reduce stress get more rest and relaxation outsource meditation and deep breathing social support change what you can and adapt to what you cant change ----------------------------------decrease or cut out caffeine eat a well-balenced diet find support network get enough sleep get regular physical exercise take a break each day take a vacation ----------------------------reframe your thoughts focus on the positive rather than the negative control the number of life events improve time and money management eliminate the cause CHAPTER 13

When most students acquire their first credit card (lecture) 55% acquire first card 1st year in college Types of credit available to consumers (power point) Installment- fixed know interest rate at signing Non-installment changes when you buy a car or house Open ended can change interest rate with notice 45 days, 3 major credit agencies and purpose for existing (power point) Equifax Tans Union Experian Keep track of credit score and history and sell info to business or govt compile credit information on consumers use of credit sell and provide information to legitimate businesses with valid reason to obtain info Fair Credit Reporting Act (1977) Promotes accuracy and ensure privacy of consumers Allows for correction of inaccurate negative information Bureaus have 30 days to investigate o Strengthens privacy provisions o Credit Score (power point) Computer generated number that predicts who will default on a loan Grade on potential risk Score can change daily- accumulate more debt, pay off debt, late payment Responsibility of co-signer Equally responsible for contract If primary cant pay, they come after you Responsibility is to pay creditor cant make payment- collecting, late bankruptcy BEFORE YOU CO-SIGN ask to see a copy of the credit report for the person asking you to co-sign carefully consider your decision Rule of thumb for small and large credit card purchases 10/20/70 budget (power point and packet)

10% SAVINGS -Wealth accumulation 20% SAVE AND SPEND your wants and dreams 70% LIVING EXPENSES your regular needs Financial pyramid Protection o Insurance o Debt Reduction o Emergency Savings Savings o Financial plan purchasing home Growth o Wealth building, non registered investment portfolio Risk o Speculation Flexible and Variable expenses FIXED same month to month or due quarterly or annually ex. mortgage, car, utilities, insurance, loans VARIABLE differ from one period or another ex. food, gas, repairs, clothes, entertainment Purpose of establishing and maintaining a budget based on short-term, intermediate, and long-term financial goals will help you focus on priorities for achieving goals expensive car or retirement fund keeps you spending within the limits of your income forces you to make choices, plan ahead, and control spending 4 As of budgeting 1. Accounting for income and expenses 2. Analyze your situation 3. Allocating your income 4. Adjusting your budget Findings of Consumer Federation of American study on finances and women nearly 61% cited unexpected expenses as a worry 88% of women between 18-24 42% had an emergency fund of less than $500 55% (25-34 years) did not maintain an account

74% have failed to save from retirement, the average women borrowed between 1946 and 1964 will probably have to work until age 74 58% in baby-boom generation have less than 10,000 in 401(k) plan 87% of impoverished elderly Implications of debt and marriage financial problems cited as a major reason for divorce debt brought into marriage causes a strain on a marriage couples financial problems are linked to increased levels of stress, conflict, and marital distress; decreased levels of marital satisfaction unique strengths of happy couples was not having major debt problems indebtedness has been a factor in delaying marriage and/pr a childbearing among college students

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