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OUGD303 Module Evaluation Throughout this module, I have been completing a weekly evaluation, to keep track of my progress, and

to see how well I am achieving targets that I set myself at the beginning of the module. An interim module evaluation also helped me to see where I was up to and what I needed to do to complete the module. Completing these also helped me to feel more motivated, as I realised I was achieving my targets, making me want to work even harder. I am happy to say that my work has developed so much during OUGD303. I have completed nearly all of my targets that I set myself at the beginning of the module, improving existing skills and developing new ones. Through the work completed, as well as because of my industry placement, I now feel condent in my work, something that has taken a long time to achieve, and I have a portfolio of work that I want to show off, representing my design practice. Enjoying the work I have been completing and being satised with the results have helped to ensure continuous motivation throughout the module. The nal presentation of my work has improved, from my making skills to my photography, something I had wanted to work on for a while. Now I feel a lot more condent with this, I feel like I want to re-create some previous work for a higher standard for my portfolio. The work I have created is of a professional standard, and dealing with clients and printers, something I realised I needed to do at the end of the module, has given me greater experience, preparing me for life after this degree. Working with clients was useful and a necessary experience, and so I am glad I did this, however, there were some problems. Working with other designers from the college meant that they were working towards deadlines, which were also my deadlines too, and so things were not completed to the timescale I had originally planned. Working on live briefs, such as the Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design yearbook (Brief 5), has helped me to understand how live briefs and collaborations work. I feel as if we spent longer in meetings about this brief and planning than we did designing, but I understand that with live briefs, time has to be left for this, as well as the fact that clients may want changes to be made. Working on live briefs has made me work quicker, and produce work to a higher quality, as I know it is not just myself I need to impress. However, as expected, there were things that didnt go to plan during this module. With better time planning for this module, I allowed myself the extra time for things to go wrong, and so these mistakes have not impacted other substantial briefs. An issue that is always apparent is not totally sticking to time plans. Although I did make one for this module, I quickly found that as briefs changed and developed things would take different amounts of time than planned. I had planned to do so much in my time plan that it was not realistic, so while I have not stuck to it exactly, I have still been organised throughout this module. I had planned to design a website from scratch for Brief 1, but never having done this before, I didnt realise how much of a big task this was. I spent a week adjusting the images for the website so they were the correct le size, and coded the HTML & CSS for this website before deciding to leave this until after the module to fully complete, as I didnt feel what I was doing was a benecial use of my time. I could have created so much design work in the time I spent preparing for and creating this website, and didnt want to spend any more time on the brief, as I decided it wasnt a priority. My skills in this area are still quite basic, but this is something I will continue to work on after this module, hopefully improving my employability. I originally planned to complete 7 briefs, plus the design context publication, but ended up dropping brief 3, which was supposed to be a competition entry for D&AD. I completed a lot of research for this brief, but didnt feel any motivation towards the design element, as I had set myself too big of a task, and was instead focusing my time on live client work. I wish I had spent this time designing

rather than researching, but the research I gathered was relevant to my personal interests, so I did use some of this in my design context publication. Brief 4 had also changed, as originally this brief was going to be relevant to my dissertation, on the subject of fashion magazines. I didnt want a research heavy brief, as I wanted this to be the opportunity to improve my design skills, so I ended up changing this brief to a fashion branding brief. Although I would still describe myself as an image based designer, I feel I have learnt a lot about type and editorial design through this module, which is evidenced through the publications that I have created. This has become an interest, and a useful skill I will continue to use. The crits and tutorials especially throughout this module have been very useful. As well as the organised sessions, I have sought out feedback from others continually throughout the module to make sure my concepts and products made sense and were the best they could be. After a tutorial with Phil, I decided to make the Geek Table brief (Brief 2) in to a substantial brief, as he pointed out that something needed to be done with it, so that it wouldnt be for a waste. This lead to me collaborating with Baljeet to extend this brief. I have done a lot of collaboration work this brief, and through it I have learnt new things, as well as improving my communication skills.

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