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Reading, Reflecting, Discussing Year and Letter to Incoming Freshmen Goal: o Reflect on the changes of Freshmen year o Discuss

their experiences and listen to each other o Welcome new Freshmen to BHS with some words of wisdom. Activity: 1. Hand out the letters that students wrote to themselves on the first day of school. Give them time to read them over. 2. If you have a student who cannot find their letter or who joined advisory late, have them answer the questions that the mentors are going to use for the discussion (below) on a sheet of paper. They will obviously skip the first question. 3. Split the class into as many groups as there are Junior Mentors (3-4). 4. In the small groups, Junior Mentors should facilitate a discussion based on what they read and how they have changed. Mentors should ask specific students to answer the questions to avoid the problem of no one speaking. Here are some questions to help facilitate: What did you read that surprised you? Who were you then and how have you changed? What were you expected freshmen year to be like and what was it actually like for you? What aspect of BHS has had the most impact on you this year (a class, a sports team, a club, drama, social life, etc.)? 5. Give them time to react to each other to develop a natural flow to their discussion. 6. Students will brainstorm with the group they worked with before to think of things they wish someone told them when they were freshmen. 7. Using some of the suggestions from the brainstorm, have the mentor act as the letter writer and use the group to write a group letter to a new freshman advisory next year. Include one thing that made your year better/easier Include a regret you had and what you would do differently

Include helpful hints about getting around BHS or getting the most out of your experience Be friendly and casual in your tone. 8. Mentors/Advisor will collect the 3-4 letters, bundle them with a paper clip, mark which homeroom they came from, and return them to Room 374 (Ms Martins office) at the end of the block.

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