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MATTHEW 27V1-5, ISAIAH 11V1-3 Every error has its consequences or penalties. People who fall into error may require redemption, but not every error is redeemed. Redemption is in God alone. People who walk in error don't listen to the spirit of truth. it is absolutely possible to walk in the truth at all times. To walk in error is to refuse the kingdom provision of divine direction. HOW THEN CAN WE ENJOY ERROR FREE LIVES? Isaiah 59v20, Gal 3v13 The Scriptures Says that Christ has redeem us from the curse of the law having being made a curse for us, for cursed is every man than hangs on the tree. Please recall with me that the first error documented in the Bible was a product of sin (disobedience), hence we see that the actual practise of making an error is fuelled by the power of sin. But the power of sin has been broken over us, who have crossed over from the stranglehold of darkness to Gods marvellous light. God has destined us to be like Him in the earth, and has Jesus made no error in His earthly ministry, we also as heirs of the promise of God can expect to live above errors through the mighty working of the Holy Spirit within. The practice of such excellence though depends on our listening ability to the commanding voice of the Holy Spirit in every facet of our lives. The bible makes mention both in the old and New Testament that the Spirit speaks expressly, but in the New Testament the model of the communication of the Holy Spirit with us is given. He speaks from within our spirits. Every Christian must therefore be aware of their spirits and the Spirit within their spirit. When this condition is met, instructions become clear and guided results become a reality. In other words, we shift from making errors to a living testator of divine clarity.


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