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Issue 3

The Shinra Times Shinra Corp. withdraws Stockholders' Right to Vote

5 Gils

By F. Gehrig MIDGAR IN a move to consolidate control of their operations, the Shinra Corporation has withdrawn the right to vote from stockholders owning less than 50% of the company. Small-time investors are mysteriously angry at this move, considering it would boost company profits. One minor stockholder, identified by Intelligence sources as Jorn Briggs, fumed at the decision. "Of course I'm angry," stated Jorn. "As a part-owner of the Shinra Corporation, I demand a say in how it operates. If I can't, I may as well sell my shares. Besides, I don't like the way the company is heading. Tell Mr. Shinra he's a [censored]." Despite the inconvenience this move has caused for 'mum and pop' stockholders, the Shinra Times hails this as is a wise decision. The majority of stockholders tend to be the outward-looking type that find it difficult to understand the good intentions of the corporation. We invited Rufus Shinra, the son of President Shinra, to comment on this situation. "Daddy knows what's right," the good-looking prodigy declared. "Anybody who disagrees with this can argue with my double-barrel shotgun."

controlling the company, I'm sure we'll see the construction of more Mako reactors. This means more gil for everybody! I don't understand all this fuss. If I was Mayor, I'd force all these people to live under the plate. They don't understand that Shinra knows best." The price of Shinra shares dropped slightly yesterday, but has soared 15% today. Wise investors are continuing their investment in Shinra shares. It has recently come to light that Jorn Briggs, lone dissenting stockholder of the Shinra Corporation, has affiliations with terrorist organisation AVALANCHE. An arrest warrant is currently out for his capture. All citizens are

Supporting this view point is Dr. Migg, respected capitalist and socialite of Midgar City. "With the executive board now directly

advised to contact Security if they see this dangerous criminal. Security personnel are ordered to shoot on sight.

Stock Watch
Shinra Corp. 30.04 +5.11 Gold Saucer 11.61 +0.21 Turtles Paradise 6.91 +1.10 Weather Forecast Smoggy, 27C. Pollution medium. Midgar Bank 22.81 +0.17 L.A.M.E.R. 0.06 +0.01

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