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JTF CAPMED FURLOUGH STATEMENT May 31, 2013 Wounded warrior care is our top priority and will

not be compromised. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has a total staff of over 7,000 military, civilian and contractor personnel. A careful review of civilian wounded warrior care requirements was conducted in light of the Secretary of Defenses furlough guidance, which does not impact our military or contract staff. The assessment of over 2,500 civilian positions determined that 163 staff exemptions were necessary to maintain the highest levels of care for warrior inpatients and outpatients in rehabilitation and other critical areas, as identified by the Secretary of Defense. Fortunately, our wounded warrior census is significantly lower than experienced during the peak wartime period, yet our staffing remains consistent with peak levels. We will continue to assess requirements between now and when the furlough begins on July 8, 2013, and will request additional exemptions if required.

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