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Name: ___________________________________________

Schedule: ____:________ Bim: _____ Module: ENGI 5

Unit 4
Writing Assignment
I. What did you think you would do this year, but you couldn't make it happen?

II. What are ten excuses you give when you are late? Write 5 using each grammar structure:
Was/were going to
1. I was going to buy some bread, but I remembered you had some.
thought ... would
1. I thought you would call me to confirm the appointment.
III. What are your reactions to these statements? Use interjections. Make up 5 more.
1. Your best friend tells you, " I love you ". ________________________________________.
2. Brad Pitt asks you out. ____________________________________________________________.
3. Your teacher tells you that you have failed the course.______________________________.
4. The police tells you that you are arrested. __________________________________________.
5. Your brother tells you he will get married in secret. ________________________________.

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