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Major Tornado Hits Oklahoma

A powerful twister destroys whole communities around Oklahoma City

By Tyrus Cukavac | May 21 , 2013
Entire neighborhoods were left in ruins by the 2mile-wide tornado. (Paul Hellstern / The Oklahoman / AP Images) VOCABULARY: TWISTER. A localized and violently

destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground
CHAOS. A condition or place of great disorder

or confusion. PATH. A road, way, or track made for a particular purpose.

RAVAGED. Devastated WRECKAGE. Remains or fragments of

something that has been damaged

INJURED. Harmed; hurt AID.To give support to (someone to do

something); help or assist COUNTY. The largest administrative division of most states in the United States. ALLEY. A narrow street or passageway between or behind city buildings.
SHELTER. An establishment that provides

temporary housing for homeless people

BASEMENT. The lowest habitable area of a

TOP PHOTO: The twister ranked as an EF-4 on the Enhanced Fujita Scalethe secondhighest category of tornado. (Alonzo Adams / AP Images) BOTTOM PHOTO: Emergency workers rescue a student at a school that was almost completely destroyed. (Sue Ogrocki/AP Images) MAP: The tornado cut a 20-mile path of destruction. (Jim McMahon)

building, usually below ground level.


in Moore, a suburb of Oklahoma City that was hit hard. The school was destroyed, but emergency workers were able to rescue many of the children and bring injured people to hospitals. DISASTER RELIEF Crews are still working hard to clear debris and look for more missing people. Thunderstorms, damaged roads, and heavy traffic have been making their jobs difficult. But the workers will continue searching. As long as we are here . . . we are going to hold out hope that we will find survivors, Betsy Randolph, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, told the Associated Press. President Barack Obama declared the area a federal disaster area. This means that the federal, or national, government can now send aid money to the counties affected by the storm. He also promised that the country would stand by Oklahoma during the painful process of re-building. There are empty spaces where there used to be living rooms and bedrooms and classrooms, the President said at a press conference. And in time, were going to need to refill those spaces with love and laughter and community.

A devastating tornado ripped through the outskirts of Oklahoma City yesterday afternoon. The twister, which was 2 miles wide, touched down at 2:54 p.m. local time, causing chaos for 40 minutes. It left behind a 20-mile path of destruction. Hundreds of homes were totally destroyed by the powerful storm. Streets were littered with tossed cars and the remains of ravaged buildings. Numerous neighborhoods were completely leveled, Sergeant Gary Knight of the Oklahoma City Police Department told The New York Times. Neighborhoods just wiped clean. Emergency workers immediately began searching for people who were hurt or missing in the wreckage left by the storm. Dozens were injured and more than 20 were killed. Some of the victims were students at an elementary school

A FORCE OF NATURE Tornadoes are complex weather events that form inside thunderstorms. These powerful twisters are shaped like funnels and made of swirling air. A tornados winds are capable of reaching speeds of up to 40 to 300 miles per hour. Tornadoes are not uncommon in Oklahoma, which lies in a part of the country known as Tornado Alley. But this tornado was stronger and more destructive than most. Scientists measure tornadoes using the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale. It categorizes twisters based on the amount of damage they cause and the estimated wind speed. Yesterdays twister in Oklahoma was rated as an EF-4the second-highest category of tornado. Its wind speed was estimated to have been between 166 and 200 miles per hour. Tornadoes can strike with little warning. Here are some important tips that can help keep you safe if you find yourself facing this deadly force of nature.

possible and find shelter in a permanent building. Go to the lowest floor in the building (a basement is best), and try to put as many walls as possible between you and the tornado. Closets or bathrooms make good safe spots. Lying flat in a bathtub can also protect you. If you cant find shelter, get as far away as you can from trees and other heavy objects. Lie flat on low ground and cover your head with your hands.

The most important thing to do is find shelter! If youre in a mobile home, get out as soon as

1. When did the tornado hit Oklahoma? 2. What did emergency workers do? 3. What were the human casualties caused by this natural disaster? 4. How did Obama declare the rea of Oklahoma? 5. What does that mean? 6. What are tornados? 7. Where does Oklahoma lie? 8. How do scientists measure tornados? 9. How was the twister in Oklahoma rated? 10. What is the most important thing to do when a tornado starts? 11. What are some safe spots during a tornado?

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