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a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual e factual a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual a factual

e factual

he: I - him she:tni: You & I - him she:dwa: You pl. & I - him hehse: You - him ha:g He - me sh:kni: He - us two sh:gwa: he - us all hya: he - you ga:ke: I - them ga:she: you - them gag they = me gaesa: they - you g: I - you gwa: they & I - it sg you - me sgwa: you - us

g saw g saw g g saw e: g saw g saw g saw g saw g saw e: g saw g saw g saw e: g saw

I saw him you (singular) and I saw him you all and I saw him you (singular) saw him g saw he saw me he saw us two he saw us all he saw you (singular) I saw them you (singular) saw them g saw they saw me they saw you (singular) I saw you (singular) they and I saw it g saw you (singular) saw me you saw us

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