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Thomas Alva Edison once quoted Ideas come from Space, I know.Its hard to believe but its true.

Ideas come from out of space Have you ever wondered How could kekule could visualize the ring structure of Benzene through a day-dream of snake biting its own tail? Did you know that Paul McKartneys Beatles song yesterday was inspired by his dream? How could these ideas have emerged out of the blue, when we consider sleep or trans state as the most thoughtless state of mind? Dear Toastmasters, Good Morning! Did I just say. Good Morning! Yes..Because we are going to awaken the genius within, our subconscious minds through Akashic Records! Akashic records are metaphorically a universal library of everything that has been ever thought, said or done. It is promulgated in one of the hindu philosophies that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in akasha one of the Pachabhutas, five fundamental elements of universe. According to Indian Mythology, Chitragupta, the son of Brahma and minister of Yama Dharma, is the creator of Akashic Records. His scribbling of all our karmas and the result, either rewards or punishments are stored as Akashic records. They are in the form of Chitr and Gupt i.e pictorial representation of encrypted esoteric records. Researchers have also found documents at Theosophical society in Chennai which recorded the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as the future society of Earth in the 28th century. Akashic Records are not Hindu mythological mumbo jumbo, but even western researchers were also attracted by them. Edgar caycee, the 19th century phychic referred to as the Sleeping prophet had delivered 14000 akashic readings to people, who were sick and suffering. He would do this by connecting to the sub-conscious mind of people with Akashhic Records under hypnotism. Caycee himself had been treated by a hypnotist to regain his voice which he had lost in his childhood. While Edgar used hypnoscism to reach out to subconscious mind, another famous inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, used trans state or semi-sleep mode to stoop to subconscious level. Whenever Edison could not find solution to some problem, he would doze off with few metal balls in his hand, suspending over a bowl. As he is about to fall asleep, his grip on the balls would be loose resulting them to fall into the bowl with a clinging sound, which eventually would wake him up. Surprisingly whenever he woke up like this, he had a solution to his problem. Thats why he said Ideas come from Space, Ideas come from out of space

Other famous personalities like Bethoven, Napoleon Hill, Depak Chopra, have also witnessed this extraordinary ability of our subconscious mind to explore Akashic Records and derive infinite possibilities, which our conscious mind believed to be impossible. Not only these famous personalities, Akashic records can give a glimpse of your past life too. Who were you in your past life? Scientist? Musician? Or an Intellectual? Have you experienced any fear or pain that has stopped you from having a perfect life and ended up singing Main aisa Kyon Hoon? like Hrithik Roshan? That could be resultant of some trauma or bad experience that you might have survived in your previous birth. When I say details of previous birth, I request you to fall for any advertisement $ 99 or $150 worth of Akashic reading for you by someone else, but to follow simple meditation techniques to explore your subconscious mind. However, to do that, a person, has to forego his ego and lack of trust in him/her and the supreme power. One, who meditates regularly, over time, learns to release the conscious mind and to go deeper and deeper within to subconscious mind to receive the Wisdom of the Ages. Ill be giving you a Edgar Caycees guide to meditation. But before that, I request all of you to close your eyes and pray with me to Almighty. Please close your eyes and take a deep breath. Oh Lord, We are thankful to you for the knowledge you have given us to understand what is right and what is wrong. We are thankful to you for the health wih which you have blessed us to live peacefully. We are grateful to you for the food you have given us to suffice our hunger. Nothing, absolutely nothing can happen in your beautiful world by mistake. We are thankful to you because you have surrounded us with a toastmasters family, where we learn from our mistakes, and learn from each other without passing any judgements God grant us the serenity to accept the the courage to change the things and the wisdom to know the difference between them things we we can cannot not change accept

Dear Friends, Now that we have awakened the genius within usI request you to please follow this prayer and meditation every night before sleeping and every morning before starting your day so that the genius can become more powerful and peaceful.!!

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