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Brown From: Patricia Smith Subject: Students opportunities and problems Date: 31st April 2013

Introduction The purpose of this report is to write about the way in which students opportunities and problems have changed over recent years,how this will change in the future and to suggest the steps we should take to improve the situation. Opportunities 1. Erasmus grants Students studying abroad, traveling, living outside the country of origin and get in contact with other cultures. 2. Work abroad Many college students are selected to work abroad during holidays, so get experience and earn also money. Suggested action: I recommend that we try more than students who go abroad to be offered, after graduation, a job. Problems 1. Work Most students do not find a job after completing studies.Employers require experience what a student fresh out of college does not. 2. Time Students will employ in university,but the time spent there is more than free time, so it is difficult for students to find a job and to have good results at school also. Suggested action: I propose the schedule and the hours spent at university to be more accessible so students can engage.At the same time, students should be helped by teachers to engage,to advise where to go, what companies to engage. Conclusion The problems that students may have a solution, but university should help more in addressing them. New students get out of university do not know which road to follow further, the opportunities are always welcome, so we need to offer them more because students are the future of any country.

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