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Embry house

a model of energy efficiency

John and Linda Embry, of Wisconsin, have just finished construction on their 2,5 00 square foot, environmentally-friendly, dream house. The house boasts several hundred 200-watt K-Eco panels, recycled building materi als throughout, and bamboo for much of the decorative accents. The house will li kely save the Embry s about $500 a month in heating and cooling in Wisconsin s drast ic seasons, not to mention the money they ll earn in feeding solar back to the gri d.

Announcing K-Eco Mini Panels Our new K-Eco Mini Panels have been released to 110 vendors around the United St ates, with requests for more already flooding our inbox. These units, about the size of an iPad, can store enough energy to power cell ph ones for 28 hours and laptop computers for 12 hours, after charging in the sun f or only about 5 hours. They are a must-have for serious campers and outdoorsy pe ople and families.

Trend in alternative energy usage is up according to US tax returns A recent study conducted by the United States government, showed the growing tre nd in the adoption of alternative energy practices, with solar home installation s and hybrid vehicles qualifying for tax deductions at record rates.

Farmers installing solar power in record numbers Studies show that agricultural producers are the largest growing segment of sola r power users in the United States. With tax benefits and the substantial energy costs involved in pumping irrigatio n water, solar energy systems are proving to be a hot ticket item to farmers.

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