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Gerry Thoriq 0910732056

Stylistic Final Writing Personal Analysis for Easy-A Movie

The object of the review is a movie, The Easy-A. A movie which is telling about school life of a teenage girl who got caught up in situations that relatively happened because of the social paradigm that yet also often occurs in currrent life events. The plot is intriguing. It is about how lies, school life or teenage society putting over paradigm over and over in order of one sought of self existences. The rumor spread faster than she thinks. A rumor about how she lost her virginity to an older boy that from the college. Olive, were not aware at first that is the beginning of her nightmares and never ending lies in her school life. Regarding the issues about her current adultery, she is using it as a way to gain popularity and profits to her own behalf. But Olive is not kind of girl who is purely materialistic person,in fact she is a kind and nice persone who got trapped in her own lies. It all started because of her bathroom talk with her friend Rhiannon, whose been nagging her about who and how her boyfriend is. Actually Olive does not have any boyfriend, she is just lying so that she wont get caught again in her friends family camping occasions which is more looks like a hippy campsite than family campsite. Over her realization the story yet beggan to spread to entire school. And thats is how the non-stop lies and comical situations that Olive get caught of in. In stylistic, there are styles in how which a text may present itself. And based on the author analysis for this movie is as follows:

The language style which is mostly used in the story is typical slang language that often been use in daily life of teenage in the American English speaking countries. It often comes with retoricals,sarcasm, and mockery. But that part of the language style is the kind of whats made this movie funny and yet interesting. There are a lot of comical situations where the main charachter plays with sarcasm over and over which is very common but yet uncommon regarding the age of the character herself. In accordance to that case, sociolinguistic have points out about the speech community, where ones shall use a language in accordance in where they are socializing. For example, except the main character Olive and her friend Rhianon, there are such little group in her school which is a group of catholics teens whose speaking in such different manner than other normal students at school. How to movie represents how language is used variously only in one small scale called school. It is perharps mostly related to the cliche of teenage movies but yet there is a common pattern where a social groups use their own language style which is for nevertheless only for showing their identity. Another example in how Olive communicates with other characters in the movie is as represented as how the common ground and intimacy shared by interactants and have the function of saving speakers effort in the production of utterances (Biber et al. 1999, 1048; Hughes 1996, 20-21). Or as we might say the informal speech. Which is derives in like what was stated above , its slang language that full with retorical, sarcasm direct and undirect mockery towards other ( this often happens in the comical parts though). Therere examples of that situations in the movie. Like, when she is speaking aboout her school life to her parents, their language, even though using mocking expression, it is meant to give moral support to her so that she wont get lost in the society or for this case, school. Another example, is when her friend Rhianon getting happy being called, pardon, big tits in order receiveing her personal existence. In the contrary form literary point of view this movies shows more than just white lies and the language use of teenage in their so-called teenage angst period. In this case the author might want to show it first from the point of view which is

clearly shows in the movie, intertextuality. Based on Merriam Web Where the main character resemble herself as in form of the lady from The Scarlet Letter, receiving social punishments for doing adultery which is in her case Fake Adultary. It is very amusing seeing how Olive cleverly use the social paradigm as the stepping stones for her in gaining fame in the school by referring herself to scarlet letter, but yet she was late to aware that the girl from the Scarlet Letter bore her punishment in humble silence, which is not very comfortable with me,... says Olive. According to intertexuality views from Kristeva, a text do not present clear and stable meanings. It also shown in the movie in which of course the reflections of Scarlet Letter but also f=reflecting other teen age movies which are often shows how a teenager,whose looking for their identity fighting againts the social paradigms in which already there before he/she knew it. The movie often uses practical jokes and ironical comical situation in showing the life of teenagers. The style which is very interesting but yet almost very common nowadays in movies. The occurences of mockery seems more like not to make the characters mock each others but they are mockis and critisize in how ones undergo living in a society with their ironical social paradigms, or in this case of the movies how lies, white lies, self existences and irony are mixed in order to make the main character Olive, finish her stor. Not really a realistic one happy ending, but we might agree that the ironies and the society that live within it, finally learned their own lessons.

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