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Press Release

For Immediate Release April 22, 2013

Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment 333 East Campus Mall Madison, Wis. 53706
Contact: Maggie DeGroot Communications Coordinator Phone: (262) 994-8042 Email:

Nationally-recognized writers, feminists come to UW

Madison, Wis. The highlight of their Sexual Assault Awareness Month event series, PAVE will host Feministing blogger Zerlina Maxwell and Chloe Angyal on a panel where they will explore how sexual assault is portrayed in the media, and what it means to be a feminist in media in a gender-biased world. Having two nationally-recognized bloggers back our cause and strive for the same goals PAVE does is encouraging, PAVE Chair Aly Jarocki said. We hope the student body will find them as inspiring as we do. Maxwell is a blogger for Feministing and also contributes for publications such as New York Daily News and EBONY magazine. Maxwell is known for her recent television appearances where she spoke about out, how as a society, we must teach men not to rape instead of teaching women how to prevent themselves from being raped. Angyal is a freelance writer and blogger who currently serves as an Editor for Feministing. Angyal writes about a wide range of topics including sexual assault prevention, women in politics and popular culture. Angyal, Maxwell and all the writers at Feministing work hard for the needed changes in this gendered-biased world and its encouraging to see how, through writing, they are working towards the same mission as PAVE, explained Jarocki. Maxwell and Angyal will speak on Wednesday, April 24 at 7 p.m. in Science Hall, room 180. PAVE Communications Coordinator Maggie DeGroot will also be on the panel as a representative for PAVE. For more information regarding Maxwell, Angyal or the event, contact PAVE is a registered student organization dedicated to preventing sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking on the UW-Madison campus through education and activism. ###

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