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Control reading "The Nightingale and the Rose" INSTRUCTIONS:

Carefully read each of the following questions, then answered fully watching your spelling and your writing, the letter should be clear and without smudging.


Why cried the young student?


What did, at first the nightingale to help the young?


What animal is the nightingale?


What did you do the nightingale for the rose red?

5. What did the young nightingale exchange for the red rose?

6. What did the young man when he found the pink in your window?

7. What was the response of the professor's daughter when the boy arrived with the rose?

8. What happened finally with the rose?

9. How the story ends?

10. You think it was the death of the nightingale helpful? Why?

11. What do you think of the attitude of the young?

12. What do you think of the attitude of the nightingale?

13. Describes the fact that you have drawn more attention from the story.

14. What is love for you?

15. Does true love, asked or required things? Why?

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