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2013 Libra Horoscopes, Yearly Libra Horoscope, Astrology Forecast, Libra Horoscope compatibility Report

1/4/13 2:49 PM

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Yearly Libra Horoscope

Libra Horoscope Forecast - 2013
Yearly Horoscope Forecast is based on your Moon Sign. If you do not know your Moon Sign. Please Click Here to find out free without any question. We usually get back with in one day. This Yearly horoscope forecast has been prepared very meticulously by our experts.The Vedic system prescribes analysis based on Moon Sign, Lagna, Solar Sign & Dasa before any predictions are made.

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2013 would be a very active & memorable year for you. While financially you will find unprecedented growth, still in terms of happiness the outlook you experience would be mixed. There could be issues relating to health, relationships and work environment that might cause challenges. A special combination of Saturn & Rahu in your first house is going to make you very fixed & combative. There could be a few secret developments, which you might be unable to share with others. Due to such events level of stress would be high & may cause certain health issues too. Your thinking & attitude might be fixed & inflexible most of the year, in the period that goes beyond 15th January 2013. This inflexibility could cost you some missed opportunities and lost clients / relationships. You need to be soft and receptive to ideas. Looking at the positive aspects, this combination would give you focus, a determined outlook & ability to achieve. Perseverance & determination could be the hallmark of your personality this year. That in turn will be the reason & basis of your success. Libra 2013 Career Horoscope - The year would open up with problems connected with your work environment, professional team & some issues with your public image. A need to cling on to the spiritual support or an escapist mind-set could develop. Improvements would come about after 30th January 2013 & thereafter you will be able to identify the issues clearly. Since understanding the problem, half solves it. Similarly you will find improvement & solutions to your work related problems, February 2013 onwards. A complete turn around would come in this area after May 2013. There would be possibility of gain of an ancestral property or an unexpected gain during this time. June 2013 onwards, your luck will rise. The recent problems you experienced till May 2013 would fade away and happiness in nearly all you do would prevail. There would be all round gain & growth. Travels would increase and so would the gains associated with travels. A higher & closer interest in religion as well as spirituality would come about. There would be lowering of debt that you might have at the beginning of the year. Activity & new areas could develop more after 7th November till end of 2013. The year will see you turn stoic and sombre. There would be more serious air and your sense of humor could turn out to be the casualty. You should ensure that you remain light and happy. Do not make yourself inaccessible since that could turn out to be a losing proposition for you. A definite sense of achievement will prevail. You will see a rise in your creativity & ideas. Some totally unrelated & brilliant thoughts could come out of the blue this year. Your mental activity would be very high between 19th February & 8th July 2013. Further your mind would remain very real estate focused too. There would be times & streaks when you would want to possess more. You should go ahead & acquire whatever is possible. However do not let it turn into an obsession as such. This current phase is part of a Saturn cycle phase called Sade Sati or the Seven & a half years of Saturn.





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2013 Libra Horoscopes, Yearly Libra Horoscope, Astrology Forecast, Libra Horoscope compatibility Report

1/4/13 2:49 PM

This current phase is part of a Saturn cycle phase called Sade Sati or the Seven & a half years of Saturn. You are currently undergoing the middle phase of this cycle. While this phase is usually very difficult, still in case of your moon sign Libra, Saturn is a major benefic and so the results would be progress and growth but with tough circumstances. Libra 2013 Love & Marriage Horoscope - Relationships would come & go this year. There would be disillusionment, over expectation & a cycle of reconciliation and then again over expectations. All this would make marriage matters & relationships difficult to handle. Your spouse or partner would have a very erratic temperament, leading to some challenging times. Possibility of getting into a sudden relationship or marriage are present too. Love affairs ( extra marital as well as forbidden ) could happen this year. You could be involved in a few gainful but illegal activities. You should be careful and try not to cross certain fine lines at work or legally. As an ancient Chinese saying goes May you live in interesting times. Libra natives would find this quite true in 2013. Libra 2013 January Horoscope: The month would open with a positive outlook as you will be in an outgoing mood and have an easy ability to promote work. Networking skills would be well honed and positive. There would be change after the 14th January 2013 as you will find strength in what you do and be able to take a stand. There could be issues with the extended family while there would be gains in real estate. Happiness about home, cars etc possible. Libra 2013 February Horoscope: Issue could continue with family while you will make good progress at work. Your status would rise despite pressures till the 11th February 2013. Worry about children and marked rise in ego possible after the 12th February 2013. You will find some very smart gains from investments during this time. Be cautious about the relationship with your father now. Libra 2013 March Horoscope: Ego & general level of conflict possible during this time till the 14th March 2013. You will make some good gains in older investments now too. Caution about the relationship with father & children should be continued too till the 14th March 2013. A rise in support from your seniors as well as people in government positions possible too. Issues could come up with friends after the 14th March 2013. Libra 2013 April Horoscope: work would do well and you will find growth in most of the areas that you work on till the 14th April 2013. You should avoid animosity with people close to you. Aggression with superiors in work environment could back fire. 14th April 2013 onwards you could see a rise in opposition to your ideas. Partnerships could feel some amount of ego & issues. Ego hassles with spouse could rise too, after the 14th April 2013. Libra 2013 May Horoscope: Pressures in joint areas of work would remain high till the 14th May 2013. There would be issues in marriages too. You need to cross this period cautiously. Further energy levels and stamina could fall after the 14th May 2013. There could be lower immunity, which could create some challenges in health matters. Avoid very heavy commitments for the second of half of this month & the first fortnight of the coming month. Libra 2013 June Horoscope: low energy will continue this month, till the 15th June 2013. Some unnecessary ego in speech as well as issues with the extended family possible till the 15th June 2013 too. 15th June 2013 onwards you will find very good growth as well as rise in your luck. There would be higher income and better health. The dip in energy will give way to a robust period in the second half of the month. Libra 2013 July Horoscope: Luck will be high while progress will be good this month. You will be religiously inclined this month till the 16th July 2013. Travel will bring in gains too, till the 16th July 2013. Career progress would take off significantly after the 16th July 2013. You will do well at work. Governmental sources as well as people in authority would favor you well. You will be in control of all you do and exert authority after the 16th July 2013. Libra 2013 August Horoscope: Career progress will be high & you will make your point & position in life very clear till the 16th August 2013. This would be a very good month. You will make all round progress. Gains & income will jump up after the 16th August 2013. Socially it would be a rewarding period as you will have a great time socially as well as with friends. You will make gains from government or high placed officials after the 16th August 2013. Libra 2013 September Horoscope: A progressive & gainful period would run till the 16th September 2013. You will enjoy life and get gains from various aspects at this time. Friends would be high on your agenda till the 16th September 2013. Beyond the 16th, a dip in activity and stamina could be felt. You might feel tired or sleepy often. Expenses will rise. You should avoid too many commitments or expenses after the 16th September 2013. Avoid the tendency to get into arguments with influential people. Libra 2013 October Horoscope:




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2013 Libra Horoscopes, Yearly Libra Horoscope, Astrology Forecast, Libra Horoscope compatibility Report

1/4/13 2:49 PM

Libra 2013 October Horoscope: The period of low activity, low immunity and energy would continue till the 17th October 2013. You should continue keeping away from controversy connected with high placed people. A revival of activity and position would come after the 17th October 2013. Ego would remain high, while there could be issues about competition with people close to you. Anger & diet should be controlled after the 17th October 2013. Libra 2013 November Horoscope: High activity phase will run till the 16th November 2013. You should deal with people judicially throughout this period as ego or short tempered behavior could spoil matters for you. A gainful period would commence after the 16th November 2013. You should guard against facial illnesses during this time. You should also weigh your words well now, as some people close to you could take offence. Libra 2013 December Horoscope: Ego in speech would be a tendency & you should guard against the same till the 16th December 2013 There would be some dental illnesses possible too. Financial gains would be good till the 16th December 2013 too. You will get into a vibrant period after the 16th December 2013. Growth in new areas would become possible too. It would be a positive time after the 16th December 2013, where you will be able to meet many new people. You could request Astrological Remedies to enhance the good effects further.

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