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Lord, we pray and thank you for this very wonderful day. Thank you for having given us the patience and industry to work well, and for having directed our thoughts, words, and actions. Forgive us Lord, for our misgiving as we forgive those who wronged us. Continue to give us wisdom to do good for others and for ourselves. Lord, please continue to bless us especially Manuel J. Santos Hospital, its employees and families, that we may able to give quality health care services to our patients. Keep us from any accidents, and free us from problems and complications that may occur any time. We also pray and ask you to hear our special intentions for: 1. The healing of those who are suffering from illness ______________________________ 2. Knowledge and confidence for those taking licensure examination _________________ 3. Hope and strength for those who are seeking job/employment ____________________ 4. Financial assistance to those who are in need __________________________________ 5. Guidance and protection of students _________________________________________ 6. Peace and unity of countries which are in conflicts ______________________________ 7. Strong relationship to married couples and their families _________________________ 8. Eternal life for the dead ____________________________________________________ 9. Comfort for those who are grieving and in loss of family member __________________ 10.Preservation of the planet earth and protection from global warming and climate change.

And for each one of our own personal intentions (pause for a while) __________________

May you be able to listen to our prayers and give us strength to endure everything as we wait for your will and let there be love and compassion in our hearts and peace in our world. Amen.

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