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Communication for Corporate Set up In professional life, we have to deal with all kinds of people.

These may be collegues or co- workers, superiors with whom you may have to work with. And you may also have to deal in English with people from outside the organization or college: clients, customers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers- people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. People You already know Greeting Conversation starters Beginning How are you? How are things? How are things? Hows it going? Hows work Lovely weather I havent seen you for a while See you soon/ later I must be going I ll be in touch Replying Fine, thank you. I am very well Not too bad. Great OK/ Fine Yes, it is No, Ive been busy/ away Goodbye Bye See you soon Bye for now

Conversation closers

People you havent met before Beginning Replying May/ can I introduce my Nice to meet you self/ collegue/ partner/ friend..? Greetings How do you do! How do you do! Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you too. Conversation starters Have you been here long! No, Ive just arrived Have you been here No, this is my first visit. before! Conversation closers Im glad/ pleased to have Its nice to have met you met you too Its been very interesting If youre ever in. talking to you You must get in touch Note: How do you do? Is common in English and is usually combined with shaking hands, but only when you meet someone for the first time. Introductions 1

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

A desire or a feeling that you want to do something or have something. It may or may not happen. Give my regards to Mr Srinivas, he was my company guide. Given an opportunity , I wish to be a successful entrepreneur. To make a wish. I wish I will be able to close that big sale order successfully

The Art of Shaking Hands

When people meet someone for the first time they greet each other with a handshake. One of the three basic attitudes is subconsciously submitted: i. Dominance: He is trying to dominate me. Id better be cautious. ii. Submission: I can dominate this person. Hell do what I want. iii. Equality: I feel comfortable with this person. These attitudes are sent and received without our being aware of them, but they can have immediate impact on the outcome of any meeting. Dressing Right Corporate Dress code for Indian men and women 1. Men: Dark trousers, light colored full sleeve shirts, leather belt (not more than an inch and a half wide), properly polished leather shoes, shocks darker shade of the trouser color, properly knotted tie, no items that bulge in your pockets- both shirt and trouser-carry one pen with you (neatly put in your shirt pocket). Hair properly trimmed and combed, clean shaven, mild after shave and deodorant. Nails neatly clipped 2. Women: Light colored matching salwar suits properly buttoned, with duppatta pinned properly, or a saree properly pinned. No fashion jewelry, hair neatly combed and held in place. Nails properly clipped, no colourful nail polish at best use neutral nail polish. Use sober colored lipsticks, lipgloss.

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

GENERAL CORPORATE ETIQUETTE Dos Dress elegantly and be presentable. Greet your collegues with a smile Greet your boss if you get an opportunity. Be polite and courteous to colleagues and especially to a lady. Be polite and courteous to colleagues and especially to a lady. Be clear while communicating. Handle the furniture with care When offered tea and coffee thank the person and throw the disposable cups in the dustbin If you want to meet your senior or boss take an appointment. Knock the door before you enter. Allow your boss to complete his conversation if he is over the phone. Always carry important papers in a folder Mobile Etiquette Cell-phone etiquette is really just common courtesy. Most people today have a Mobile phone. In fact, many people cant imagine how they ever got along without a portable phone. However, many people also complain about cell phone users. People complain about other people loudly discussing personal matters in public places. They complain when cell phones ring in movie theaters and concerts halls. They complain about people driving too slow, and not paying attendtion to where they are going because they are talking on a cell phone. And they complain about people walking around talking to people who aret there. Cell- phone etiquette apply to most public places. Always try to keep your phone ringer as low as possible or put your mobile phone on vibrate, so it does not distract the people around you. A good time to leave your phone at home, or at least in the car, would be at a funeral, wedding or some event along those lines. Basic cell phone Etiquette Rules include: Switching it off: put your mobiles in vibration mode or switch it off when you are talking with FG, CG, Customer, client meeting etc. Put it on the vibration mode when in places where you can take a call, but dont want to disturb others. It reflects your attitude towards, work, career and life.

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

Reading SMS: It is also rude in formal situations. Be brief: be brief when you get a call from your friends especially when you are with your company persons. Be polite: Speak in a lower- than- normal voice; you should be heard by the caller, and not others in the room Dont distract: Avoid talking where you may be distracting to others. Driving: It is not only very dangerous, but also unlawful in most countries ( even India) to drive & talk on your cell phone.

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

INTERPERSONAL SKILLS No matter how brilliant the student may be in spotting problems and coming up with great ideas on what needs to be done to make the organization a success, very little will happen if he cant get those he works with to accept what he has in mind and work hard to make it happen. Very often these same people may have even better ideas than him but he has to be able to find out about them and get them implemented effectively. This is the part of leadership that comes under the heading of interpersonal skills. Besides leadership qualities the student needs to have an effective communication skill to develop interpersonal rapport.Misunderstandings are a common occurance in an individuals life. Every day an individual faces situations where either he has misunderstood others or has been misunderstood. Here are valuable tips for the student to ensure how interpersonal skills can help him to empower himself. For Eg: You might ask somebody, why are you wearing such a gaudy outfit? actually meaning whether it is a special occasion for which that outfit is being worn. But very conveniently the other person might think she is being criticized for wearing that dress. And that offended look on her face makes you think, what did I say to offend her?. There are two ways of communicating: the jackals way and the Giraffes way.The jackal communicator will always tend to judge, label and criticize while receiving and sending messages where as the Giraffe communicator being won with a wider vision a would send and receive information in an empathetic manner. In order to develop and strengthen interpersonal skills it is imperative that one learns to communicate in the manner of a giraffe. Positive qualities that would help to develop better interpersonal skills. Decision making skills: How to improve the ability to handle crises and complexity. Communication skills: How to do a better job of listening , writing and speaking. Team building and working with groups: How to build collaboration and get things done through groups. Conflict Management: How to keep inevitable conflicts from becoming destructive. Crisis Management: Getting the most out of the ever-changing environment confronting the organization . Handling sudden crises. Overcoming resistance to change. 5 ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

Ten Helpful tips for improving interpersonal skills. 1. Smile: Do your best to be friendly and upbeat with your co-workders. Maintain a positive, cheerful attitude about work and about life. Smile often. 2. Be Appreciative: Find one positive thing about everyone you work with and let them here it. Be generous with praise and kind words of encouragement. Say thanks when someone helps you. 3. Pay attention to others: Observe whats going on in other peoples lives. Acknowledge their happy milestones and express concern and sympathy for difficult situations such as an illness or death. 4. Practice active listening: Actively listening is a way of demonstrating that you intend to hear and understand anothers point of view. It means restating , in your own words, what the other person has said. 5. Bring people together: Create an environment that encourages others to work together. Treat everyone equally and dont favourites. Avoid talking about others behind their backs. 6. Resolve conflicts: Take a step beyond simply bringing people together and become someone who resolve conflicts when they arise. Learn how to be an effective mediator. If co-workers are bickering over personal or professional disagreements, arrange to sit down with both parties and help sort out their differences. By taking on such a leadership role, you will garner respect and admiration from those around you. 7. Communicate clearly: Pay close attention to both what you say and how you say it. Being a clear and effective communicator helps you avoid misunderstandings with coworkers. 8. Humor them: Dont be afraid to be funny or clever. Most people are drawn to a person that can make them laugh. Use your sense of humor as an effective tool to lower barriers and gain peoples affection. 9. See it from their side: Empathy means being able to put yourself in someones elses shoes and understand how they feel. Try to see things from another persons perspective. 10. Dont complain: There is nothing worse than a chronic complainer or whiner. If you simply have to vent about something, save it for your diary. But spare those around you, or else youll get a bad reputation. 6 ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

TIME MANAGEMENT Time is of the essence. Time is all we have. Time is running out. Time, Time, Time., For any leader time is a limited and precious resource. There is no way to recover time that we have wasted. We cant speed it up or slow it down or stop it. In any case as leaders we can only find the way to make the most of it. One way we can manage our time is to identify rules that help us avoid wasting time. 1. Get started : Dont waste time getting started on a project. Get down to work quickly and efficiently. 2.Get into a toutine : While it may suppress your creativity, if used appropriately the routine may release time and energy. Plan a time a every day to accomplish certain tasks (e-mail, paper works etc.,) Stick to it. Use a day planner to help keep your schedule. 3. Do not say YES to too many things : Saying YES, to too many things overextends energies, forces us to live to others, prioritize rather than focus on our own. With so many hours in a day, each time you say yes will mean something else doesnt get done. 4.Do not commit to unimportant activities, no matter how far ahead they are : No matter how far ahead the commitment is, it is still a commitment, and it will still take up same amount of our time. 5.Divide large task : By having small, manageable goals and tasks, you can eventually complete larger project. Also, smaller projects will easily fit into an already tight schedule. 6.Do not put un needed effort into a project : There is a place for perfectionism, but there also comes a point when there is not much to be gained from putting in the extra effort. Learn to recognize each situation and put the attention to detail only to those situation that really needed. 7. Deal with it for once and for all : Deal with a task only once. Schedule an appropriate amount of time for it and get it done. Dont continually start and stop a task. 8. Set start and stop Times: By setting start and stop times, you improve your scheduling. As you continually get better at setting start and stop timing see if you cant shave off time from your deadlines, striving to work for more efficiency. 9.Plan your activities : Schedule a regular time to schedule your activities. This will help to focus on your time management and devote necessary time for it.

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

SWOT Each has his own set of strengths and weakness. Based on ones levels of comprehension of these two elements, one develops a perspective and tries to understand and recognize opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is a great tool for introspection and unless you are conversant with your own strengths and weaknesses you cannot easily perceive opportunities and threats. If you were to interview someone middle aged or older and ask what life experiences strengthened him or her most, chances are that person would recall comfortable times and trying times. No matter what your age or situation, think about your own life up to the present. Focus on the qualities, traits, behaviours, skills and attitudes you feel are your strengths, What strengthsn flash your mind? Has life taught you to hang on and not give up easily? Have you learned to pull together with family members? Do you know how to manage stress? Have you come to be more flexible when necessary? Have you had experiences that taught you to reach out to others? If you do not have adequate information, the results of your analysis are likely to be less reliable. However, to understand your innate abilities you need the support of external factor i.e, opportunities and threats. In the real world, you end up making business decisions with incomplete information. That is where things like commonsense, gut feel and experience matter a lot. Nonetheless, the SWOT framework offers a good starting point for analysis. SWOT framework offers a good starting point for analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats.

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

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person ality
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Positive career goal Self Talk Phrases

I can Iwill. I look forward to I will do I will be a success. I will meet my career goal

9 ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

ANKURA, Students Counselling & Training Centre, Upstairs Syndicate Bank, Off Durgigudi, Park Extn, Shimoga-577201, Mob: 9448093362

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