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Middle School Volleyball Rules

USAV rules will be used with the following modifications We will use star XQ Professional soft touch volleyballs. I recommend Tachikara SV-MNC Volley Lite balls for grade 3-5. The middle school boys will play on a net 2.24 meters high and the girls 2.13 meters high. The court will be 9m x 18m. The match consists of best of 3 sets to 25 points, win by two. 6 players on the court. Three are front row and three back row. The player in position one (right back) serves with an open hand (closed fists are not allowed, ever, no warning) Server may serve from mid court (4 meters) One re-toss is allowed for each attempt. After each successful serve the server will serve one meter further from the net. There is a five serve max. If the team scores on the fifth serve the point counts but the other team rotates and serves. The serve must be received with a forearm pass. The second contact may be caught and tossed to set an attacker. It may not go over the net. The attack must be hit with an open hand. Teams may have more than 6. Extra players may be rotated in between position 2 and position 1 and between position 5 and position 4 when rotation occurs. No libro will be used. Arguing with the referee will not be tolerated (whining either)


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