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The characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity.

But when you have resolved to be great , abide by yourself, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic. Send quote to a friend Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) U.S. poet, essayist and lecturer. Send quote to a friend Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) German writer. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also b y the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. Helen Keller quotes (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 18801968) Success is achievable without public recognition, and the world has many unsung heroes. The teacher who inspires you to pursue your education to your ultimate a bility is a success. The parents who taught you the noblest human principles are a success. The coach who shows you the importance of teamwork is a success. The spiritual leader who instills in you spiritual values and faith is a success. T he relatives, friends, and neighbors with whom you develop a reciprocal relation ship of respect and support--they, too, are successes. The most menial workers c an properly consider themselves successful if they perform their best and if the product of their work is of service to humanity.--Michael DeBakey, M.D. (in Suc cess Secrets of Super Achievers by Stovall) A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. share this Heroes saying Christopher Ree Read more: xzz1gxjBPlui Winston Churchill once observed that the empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Empires of the mind are constructed equation by equation by warriors o f the mind. At the moment, instead of warriors of the mind, we celebrate idols o f the arena Manny You, dear graduates, are, by contrast, warriors of the mind. The CS has honed yo u to battle with the rapier of logic and evidence. Your challenge is to replace idols of the arena with heroes of the mind. How? Synthesize a new molecule, prov e a long-standing conjecture, quantize gravity, raise a new generation of scient ists, or win a global award perhaps even a Nobel. And if these be done with hono r, the nation will start to cohere with pride around the path that you will char t. You will be this nation s Moses. Just remember that while heroesdon t always win, like Deng Xiaoping and Johannes Kepler, they never quit. Along the byways of yo ur personal legends, may you encounter as your ultimate reward not a pot of gold , but something infinitely more valuable, what Johannes Kepler felt when, having completed the three laws of planetary motion after seven years of exhausting st ruggle, he exclaimed: I let myself go in divine rage. I have stolen the sacred ve ssels of Egypt in order to build a proper home for my God. I salute you.

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