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certain area (the Kalayaan Island Group or more commonly known as the Spratly Islands) as Philippine territory as well

as providing for its Government and Administration. said area is vital to the security and economic survival of the Philippines and much of it is part of the continental margin of the Phil. archipelago the area does not legally belong to any state or nation and by reason of history, indispensable need, effective occupation and control established in accordance with international law, said area (including its sea-bed, subsoil, continental margin and air space) must be deemed to belong to and subject to the sovereignty of the Phil. other states claims to some of the area cannot prevail over the claims of the Philippines on legal, historical, and equitable grounds named it Kalayaan and constituted it as a distinct and separate municipality of Palawan administration and government shall be vested in the Secretary of National Defense or in other Civil govt. or AFP officers as may be designated by the Pres.

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1599 Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone and for Other Purposes
- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a seazone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources Wikipedia - It extends from two hundred nautical miles beyond and from the baselines from which the territorial sea - when it overlaps another EEZ, the common boundaries shall be determined by countries - What can be exercised in EEZ? o Sovereignty rights for the purpose of exploration and exploitation, conservation and management of the natural resources o Exclusive rights and jurisdiction with respect to the establishment and utilization of artificial

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