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Understanding Fractions
Dear Family, Your child is recognizing fractions found all around us and is learning that fractions are equal parts of a whole, of a set, or of a length. He or she is also learning to name fractions and to locate fractions on a number line. Seeing fractions on a number line will help your child enhance his or her number sense. This work with fractions on a number line will also serve as a basis for future work with fractions in measuring length. Here is an activity that you and your child can do together.

Home-School Connection Topic 9 English

Fun with Fractions

The next time you and your child are outside, look for groups with 12 or fewer people or objects. Ask your child to name some fractions shown in the group. For example: What fraction of the parked cars are white? What fraction of the people are not wearing a hat? You could also use common household items, such as a set of 12 forks or spoons. Ask your child to make up problems about 1 , __ 1 , __ 1 , and __ 1 . Then, have your child the items using the fractions __ 6 4 3 2 1 of the forks are plastic, how solve the problems. For example: If __ 4 many forks are plastic?

Topic 9

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