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Dear Family,

Home-School Connection Topic 13 English

Your child is learning how to measure perimeter (the distance around a figure) by adding the lengths of its sides. He or she is also learning that the properties of polygons can help in finding the perimeter. For example, since the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal in length, just two measures are needed to find the perimeter.

3 in. 12 in. 3 3 12 12 30 in. In addition to finding the perimeter of regular shapes, your child is calculating the perimeter of irregular shapes drawn on grid paper.

20 units Here is an activity for both you and your child that will help his or her understanding of perimeter.

Design a Bedroom
Materials Graph paper Step 1 Have your child design a special bedroom or playroom. Use graph paper to plan and draw the rooms shape and measurements. Step 2 Find the perimeter. Step 3 Estimate and measure actual bedroom furniture and draw the shapes within the room. Step 4 Find the perimeter of each piece of furniture.
Topic 13 1
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