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To include What are the key ideas Explain your monologue [character, key ideas, how it links to the

he rest of the play, techniques] How Michael Gow uses theatrical conventions o Lighting o Symbolism o Blocking o Music o Inter-textuality references to other texts Historical influences What makes the play significant and effective Conclusion why its an important and valuable play and what an audience can gain from it Death drowning represents death and represents that Tom is dying and at the start of the play he is in a form of purgatory, a place of suffering Healing Coral is having marital troubles due to losing her son in war but meeting Tom heals her It is my love who must be saved. She must return to dry land. Better I am unhappy for eternity than she suffer another moment Shows how Coral is suffering and how she was chasing after the dead but meeting Tom allowed her to move on. Acceptance This monologue tells of a sailor who died and was forced to wonder the high seas forever until he atones or makes up for what he did. Near the end of the monologue the sailor says, I shall leave this place. This signifies that Tom has accepted that he is going to die. Blocking Used to represent how Coral is turned into a mermaid and then turned back signifying how she was healed by Tom stage directions: He removes the towel. Coral contemplates her legs a moment then covers them with her kaftan. Clothing * Sailors cap Helpful notes from worksheet Alter-ego Puck Mentor to characters in crisis Social engineer of play Ironically, given his impending death, he becomes a source of life and radiance Tom represents Everyman dreams, fears, aspirations of Australian youth today

Time-bomb In both Shakespearean and classical Greek drama and in Away, the purpose of each characters journey is to gain self-knowledge Tom is referred to as a Chips Rafferty by both his headmaster and his father, that is, he is regarded as an accomplished thespian. In this way Gow elevates an average teenagers life into that of a hero, a character who will impact on others behaviour and change them, for the better sacrificing his own life in return.

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