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DISTRICT NEWS We start with Sinazongwe Government has expressed its gratitude to the World Vision International for

its commitment to find a lasting solution to food insecurity problems in the country. Southern Province Permanent Secretary Gladys Kristfor said the the International organisation's efforts are in line with government's policy of achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in the area of food security other than crop diversification, construction of grain storage sheds, and dip tanks. Mrs Kristafor said government is working hard to protect livestock from contagious diseases that have wiped out many animals and brought suffering to the people of Southern Province. She said this in a speech read on her behalf that by the Deputy Permanent Secretary Alfred Chingi at the handover ceremony of a dip tanks and two grain storage sheds built by world vision at a cost of two hundred and sixty two million ,nine hundred and eighty thousand ,three hundred and thirty nine kwacha. Mrs Kristafor expressed happiness that the organisation's CFAARM projects involve local people in identifying and implementing projects that responds to community challenges. The World Vision International , under the Consortium for food Security , Agriculture and Nutrition Aids Resilience and Marketing (C-FAARM) project, has constructed a dip tank in Munyati and a grain storage sheds in Sinanjola and Sianvwemu. Sinazongwe District Commissioner Oliver Pelete also said the World Vision has been working in all areas of developmental sectors and the construction of the dip tank has increased the number of them to nine in the district.


Chief Retainers in Serenje District have called on government to increase their salaries and improved conditions of service.

The retainers who spoke on condition of anonymity have also complained of the delays in getting their monthly salaries. They told ZANIS in an interview yesterday, that they have not yet received their April and May salaries. They added that although they recently got their March salaries the money was inadequate to carter for their growing needs.

SERENJE AGAIN A Serenje district resident is on the run after he allegedly murdered his uncle in cold blood on suspicion of witchcraft. Police public relations officer Ndandula Siamane confirmed the incident to ZANIS in an interview yesterday. Ms Siamane said that on Friday 17th May 2011 around 20: 00 hrs Zachariah Mwila of Chisenga village hacked to death his 43 year old Geoffrey Nsaka uncle using a sharp object.

The suspect allegedly travelled to Namabombo village 20 kilometers west of Serenje to find his uncle who he suspected of practising witchcraft. He is also on record of having visited several witchdoctors in pursuit of his uncle who he suspected of having been responsible for many deaths in the family and at several occasions made threats of killing him. Post mortem on the late Nsaka's body was done at Kabwe general hospital and it has since been buried in Nabowa area of chief Chitambo in Serenje district. Ms Siamane also disclosed that the suspect is an ex convict facing manslaughter charges after he allegedly killed his friend on suspicion of committing adultery with his wife. Police have since launched a manhunt for the suspect.


NDOLA A man of Chipulukusu township in Ndola who strangled his wife on Tuesday and fled is suspected to have committed suicide. Police spokesperson Ndandula Siamana said in an interview on wednesday that Louis Kunda, 32, allegedly committed suicide at his Aunties place in Luangwa township, Kitwe. Ms Siamana says the fugitive is suspected to have taken some poisonous substance to take his life in the early hours of Wednesday.

His wife had fled to stay with her in-laws within the same township, but Mr Kunda allegedly followed her on the pretext that he had forgiven and reconciled with her. But upon reaching their matrimonial home, he started beating his wife until she died. It was believed that the couple had perpetual marital problems, but kept reconciling. Mr Kunda allegedly ran away upon realising that his wife had died, but police launched a manhunt for him.

SAMFYA Senior Chief Kalasamukoso of Samfya district has expressed worry over increased lawlessness and disorder among his subjects in Mwelela and Iyongolo areas. The Chief told Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Stephen Bwalya, who paid a curtsey call on him at his palace, that there is an alarming increase in the number of people assaulting each other in Iyongolo and Mwelela areas. The traditional Leader attributed the increase in assault cases to the absence of a police station in the whole Chiefdom. Senior Chief Kalasamukoso narrated that a man was recently tabbed with a screw driver and left for the dead in Iyongolo over a minor matter. He further revealed that in Mwelela another man had his head split open after being attacked with an axe by a colleague.

The chief said people in the area fail to inform the police when such cases happen because Kalasamukoso area is not yet connected to any mobile phone service. He said delay to report cases of crime to police enable offenders to find time to escape from the area and go into hiding. KEMBE Kembe Member of Parliament Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha has urged the people of Chief Litetas area to remain calm and follow the right procedure of choosing a successor to the late senior headman, Mwachimani. And the bereaved family has described the late traditional leader as a visionary leader who champion development for his people by working closely with government and leaders. Lieutenant General Shikapwasha who is also Information and broadcasting services Minister said the late headman was instrumental in fostering peace and development in the area. He was speaking during the burial of the late headman Mwachimani, 71, who died on Monday after an illness. Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha assured mourners that government will continue implementing developmental programmes until a successor is chosen.

The Minister said the government is indebted to the late headman for allocating a piece of land where the new Kafushi High School is being constructed.

He said the death of village headman wachimani is not only lose to the family and villager but to government as well.Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha said government will go ahead to build a house for the late village headmans family as it has had planned to build him a house in appreciation for land he had given government for the school. Earlier, Family Representative Alfred Yowela described the late traditional leader as a visionary leader who champion development for his people by working closely with government and leaders.




Kansanshi Mining Plc has completed the draft report of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed construction of Sulphide tailing dams and handed over to Environmental Council of Zambia (ECZ) for approval. Once the report is approved the construction of the tailing dams to be situated in Kabwela and Mbonge areas of Solwezi district will commence. Speaking during the Environmental Council of Zambia organized consultative meeting in Kabwela settlement yesterday, Kansanshi Mining Plc environmental manager Richard Zyambo said the mine has completed the draft report and only awaiting the approval of the ECZ. Mr Zyambo said the project will take up 600 hectares of cultivated land adding that 289 peasant farmers will be displaced and relocated to another area to be identified and that the Solwezi Kipushi road will have to be diverted around the tailing dams embankment. He added that Chief Kapijimpanga has already given the mine permission to carry out the expansion project once ECZ has approved. Kabwela residents have welcomed the proposed construction of the tailing dams but are appealing to the mine to compensate them as quickly as possible to enable them look for alternative land and continue with their farming activities. Kansanshi mining plc is proposing to construct two new tailing dams outside the mining area which will help in storing 9 million tones of copper and 200 million tones of tailings per annum and will be operational for a period of 20 years. ENDS/

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