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Maximum recommended dose of lidocaine HCl with epinephrine should not exceed 7 mg/kg (3.5 mg/lb) of body weight, the maximum total dose should not exceed 500 mg. Maximum recommended dose of lidocaine HCL without epinephrine should not exceed 4.5mg/kg of body weight, the maximum total dose should not exceed 300 mg Caine side effects:

Respiratory methemoglobinemia with cyanosis of lips, nails beds, increasing fatigue. Treatment is oxygen, initially, and methylene blue following if no improvement. Bupivacaine is known for respiratory toxicity Topical All can produce skin sloughing, reddening, blistering and tissue death in rare cases 4) 5) 6) Mg/cc in 1%= 10mg/ml Mg/cc in 2%- 20mg/ml Mg/cc in 5%= 50mg/ml

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