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August 20Class Meeting # 1 Course Introduction & The Humanities Approach

Pre-Class Reading & Viewing Prepare for class by reading three documents and viewing one African art object. As you read and view, consider the question(s) associated with the readings and viewing. You are not required to write out your answers to the questions. Reading 1: The course syllabus, especially pages 1 through the end of the Attendance Policy on page 6. What questions concerning this class come to your mind after reading the syllabus?

What concerns about this class may be raised in your mind by what you read in the syllabus?

What hopes and aspirations do you have for this class?

Reading 2: The Difference Between The Sciences & The Humanities: A cartoon

What stereotypes regarding the social sciences and the humanities does this cartoon suggest? In what ways can a social science approach and a humanities approach to a subject like African people and cultures complement each other?

Reading 3: An essay:

If you had to summarize William Deresiewiczs point in three or less sentences, how would you do so?

View an African Art Object: Please note the sculpture and description of it at this web site:

When you have done so, consider this scenario and the questions asked. The scenario: A Christian missionary/theologian, a sociologist, and a humanities professor all view this art work from Africa. The questions: How do you think each will understand the sculpture? , What do you think are the major differences between the way they might go about interpreting this work of art?

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