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Appearances are deceptive

It was a wintry autumn evening and the wind was howling. Fallen leaves from the bare branches rustled round my feet as I strode back home, dazzled by the blaze of streetlights. All of a sudden, I spotted a dark figure in the distance. My heart pounded with fear as I realized the figure was standing at my front gate. What would I do next? Should I dash out in the darkness, shivering with cold or pluck up courage and march towards the front gate as if I hadnt noticed anything ? Like bolt from the blue, a witty idea crossed my mind. I would pass myself of as a pedestrian who was making her way home and would ask the stranger the time. If any attempt to hurt me was made, I would spray pepper aerosol on the strangers face and would run for my life. As I approached the stranger, I realized I had been mistaken. I sighted with relief . In the dim light I could see her. An emaciated woman in a torn woollen coat who looked harmless. Her eyes glinted with tears as she looked me in the eyes and asked me if I lived in that house. I nodded. It was then that muttered Im starving lady Could you help me, please? Without a moments hesitation I invited her in. She gobbled food galore and sank into the rocking chair by the fireplace. A few hours later she uttered she was really thankful, kissed me on the cheek and walked out with a shuffling gait. My eyes filled with tears as I saw her leave. Oh God, I had taken pity on her! I thought a cup of tea would do me good. As I was pouring the boiling water into the mug I caught my breath : my purse had gone! Needless to say, I had learnt the lesson: Appearances are deceptive!!

Virginia Alvarez J . V. Gonzalez

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