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Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595 1.

Abuses of Science

Science is a great power. It works wonder. The present modern life owes much to science. However, science is a two edged weapon. Its wise use facilitates man but its unwise use endangers his existence. Unfortunately, it is happening today. Indiscreet exploit of science has made the world extremely unsafe for life. Science has developed terrible means of destruction like nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Big powers of the world have thousands of WMDs. If they are used, life from the earth will be exterminated within seconds. The world is doomed with ideological clashes which are drawing the use of such weapons near. It will turn the world into an Inferno. With the help of science, man is living in the machine age. Machines work for him and benefit him in every field of life. But man is paying a heavy price of luxury in the form of pollution. Almost all kind of mills and factories discharge poisonous substances and gases. They pollute air, land and water. Vehicles emit dangerous gases like carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide. These gases increase the temperature of the earth and harm ozone layer. As a result, man is falling a prey to various diseases. Moreover, the ice of glaciers is melting due to rising temperature and sea level is coming up. It is feared that in a few centuries, many coastal areas will sink in the ocean. If temperature goes on increasing, the whole world will sink in water. Scientific attitude distances man from religion. He hankers after earthly ambitions and ignores Hereafter life. He is spiritually empty. As a result, he has facilities but no peace of mind. He remains tense, depressed and frustrated. Spiritual shallowness makes him savage; hence, today the world is blood-bathed. He lives in a world in which various machines are at work. He himself has become a gadget of machine. It is a setback of modern scientific life that matter wins the mind. Social and moral values are also tumbling under scientific advance. The days of his care free life are gone. He is too busy to keep social contacts with others. Man spends a fast and mechanical life in which, as a poet says, We have no time to stand and stare. As a result, he remains tense and depressed. He has comforts but no peace of mind. In this way, reckless use of science has multiplied his miseries. 2. Importance of Computer Computer is an intelligent machine. It can think, analyze, calculate, and process any given data with immense speed. It can store a large number of information. In the beginning, computers were the size of a room but now they are reduced to lap top or even credit-card formats with vast possibilities. Computers are capable of handling large amounts of data in a very short time and space. Now, computer is being used in all fields of life.

Computer has truly made the world a global village through internet. Internet is a web of links and sites. It is possible for a man to access any website and link any mail address.
Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

Websites contain massive knowledge and information on diverse subjects. Internet streams torrent of knowledge and information in every corner of the world. It contributes a lot to the awareness of man. Modern communication networks owe much to computer. Today most of the machines are computerized. Computer controls their performance, productive capacity and standard. It has revolutionized manufacturing, designing, printing and engineering. It is the very core of other intelligent machines. It is also being used in modern military arsenals. It increases reliability, precision and accuracy of weapons. Today, it is getting more common to have a computer at home. You can use a personal computer to keep household-budgets or other economics. It is also possible to get in touch with your bank and transfer money while you're in your sitting-room. It is possible to contact other databases and gather information from them. Computer is also a means of entertainment. You can watch movies and listen to music on it. Many games can be installed in it. These games allow kids to come into contact with latest technology at an early age. They learn its basic functions. Unfortunately, computer, like other scientific invention, is misused. Most of the young people waste their precious time in playing games, watching movies and in vain chatting. They must be guided to avoid its harms. It is very encouraging that present Punjab Govt is promoting computer education in the province. It will bring IT revolution. It will educate the young ones to have its positive use and progress in the world. 3. Democracy in Pakistan Democracy has been defined as Government of the people, by the people, for the people. It is the most accepted form of government all over the world. Pakistan is one of those countries where democracy is making its way. In a democratic system, people choose their representatives. After four or five years elections are held. In the elections, different political parties field their candidates. They present their manifesto before the people. People elect their favorite candidate. The winners constitute the National Assembly. In the NA, majority party forms the government. The Prime Minister is chosen through simple majority. He is called leader of the House. He chooses the Cabinet of Ministers. They help him run the state affairs. Both the PM and the Ministers are answerable to the NA. Democracy is far better than dictatorship and autocracy. In this form of government, public will dominates. Thats why; people cant be ignored. Tenure of the government is for a certain period. After that, elections are held. If a party does not follow its manifesto or ignore the people, it will lose public favor in elections. Then a new party is given the chance. It is better than bloody revolution. We can see that many countries where there is autocracy, people are rising for their rights. Monarchs are being overthrown. For the success of democracy, it is necessary that people should be educated. They should have political sense. Free and impartial media and judiciary are also imperative. In Pakistan, democracy has a tattered history. Many a time, elected governments have been toppled. Military intervention has overthrown many governments. Moreover, our political leaders have feathered their nests after being elected.

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

However, today people are alive. They have political sense. Today, we have a vibrant media and impartial and active judiciary. There are, of course, allegations of corruption but today politicians do not go passage free. It is hoped, with better education, things will improve. Many things hinder democracy in Pakistan. The first one is corruption. Extremist elements also do not like democracy. Moreover, our society is divided in various castes, sects and lingual factions. These divisions kill the soul of democracy. However, democracy has resilient power. It can overcome these problems. In a few years, we can hope to see transparent democracy. 4. Dengue Fever Mosquito is a sworn enemy of man. Man has been fighting with this blood sucking insect since ever. He has devised many ways to fight it off but he could not keep this tiny cousin of Dracula from feasting on his blood. Mosquito may not be able to drink tons of blood but when it bites, it injects germs of various diseases into blood. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne infection. It can be asymptomatic, but commonly causes a severe flu-like illness. It can result in bleeding and shock. Red dots also appear on the skin of the patient. A lethal complication is called dengue haemorrhagic fever which is fatal. Dengue is a viral disease. The virus destroys WBCs which form our immunity system. Although there is no specific treatment for the infection, good medical care with symptomatic treatment can often save the life of a dengue patient. Like many tropical countries, Pakistan has also been a victim of dengue. It was severely attacked in 2010, especially when flood water helped the mosquito breed on. Provincial governments failed to launch timely spray to kill harmful insects. Almost all the country was affected by this disease. Hospitals were crowded with patients. Health Department was not ready to cope with this problem. Private hospitals exploited this situation and feathered their nests. Since, there is no specific medicine of this disease, people were panicked. Rumors replaced scientific facts and they ate up the leaves of every tree which they fancied a treatment. The sellers of mosquito killers, like mats, coils, sprays earned a huge fortune. However, the fact is that dengue is not a deadly disease. Within two or three weeks, a patient recovers from this illness. Thanks God, the advent of winter killed the mosquito and people heaved a sigh of relief. However, the fact remains that the government could do nothing to help them. Now we should be vigilant as the coming summer can see another surge of dengue. We should take all the possible measure to keep it off. We should keep our environment clean so that mosquito should not breed. Dengue mosquito breeds on fresh water. We should not let it stagnate anywhere. We should follow the rules of hygiene, as it is our religious obligation. We should not pollute our environment as, Cleanliness is the half Faith.

5. Flood of 2010
Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

Nature is friend of man but when it is onslaught, it wrecks everything. Floods are terrible agents of nature which cast widespread havocs. Torrential rains flood rivers and ravines and their water enters the nearby areas. This flood water destroys human settlements and crops. It also erodes rich soil and makes the land sterile. Modern countries have devised methods to overcome floods but it is impossible to control them altogether. Pakistan is one of those countries which are exposed to the dangers of floods. Many rivers flow through it. In the rainy season which sets in August and September, these rivers are flooded and their water overflows the banks. It causes great or small flood. Every rainy season has flood like situation but the flood of 2010 was unprecedented. It was exceptional in its magnitude and scale. In 2010, the rainy season was singularly wet. There were heavy downpours in the whole country, especially in the northern areas. At first the river Swat and the river Kabal flooded parts of K P and then the water got accumulated and entered the Punjab. Many districts were inundated. Flood water swamped rural and urban areas. Then it entered the Sindh with all the might of one million cusecs torrent. The government was not ready for the situation. It was busy in blame game while people were marooned and they needed help. Then media highlighted the havocs of the flood and awoke the ruling class from slumber. Suddenly the world came to know that it was worse calamity than Tsunami of 2004 and earthquake of 2005. This flood affected more than twenty million people. More than two thousand people died. The flood demolished 1.5 million houses. It wrecked infrastructure in these areas. The roads, railway tracks and electric installations were destroyed. Thousands of people were marooned in water and they called for immediate help. On that occasion, coordinated efforts were needed to cope with the situation. Pak Army was the only institution which could deal with that disaster. More than 70,000 soldiers and officers of Pak Army took part in relief and rescue operation. Helicopters were needed to lift the stranded people. Modern boats were used to reach the remote areas. Thats why, in spite of the colossal magnitude of the flood, there were no deaths in large number. Its credit goes to the army. Pakistan could not cope with that calamity single-handed. It needed the help of international community. America, Britain, Germany, France, China, Arabian States, Iran, Turkey and many other countries came up to help Pakistan. The flood affected people needed food, medicines, clothes, tents and other things of daily use. Political, religious and welfare parties launched relief efforts for their suffering brothers. They showed that we are united in weal and woe. 6. Future of Pakistan Pakistan, a South Asian Muslim state, came into being on the bases of an ideology. When it was founded, it was said that it would serve as a role-model Muslim state. However, subsequent years saw it betraying from the right path. Today, sixty-two year later, it is beset with many problems though it has progressed in a number of fields. After the death of its founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan could not have able and sincere leadership. Most of its high ups were and are feudal lords who lack vision and

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

ability to maintain good governance. The people of Pakistan are otherwise hardworking, intelligent and determined. The lack of leadership is the main cause of our suffering. Today, Pakistan is facing many problems like terrorism, extremism, sectarianism, provincialism, poverty, lack of energy, over-population, unemployment, inflation, lawlessness, corruption, to name a few. These days our dear homeland is plagued with the worst kind of terrorism. Thousands of people have lost their lives during a couple of years. Load shedding results in the suspension of industrial and business activities. As a result, we face unemployment, poverty and inflation. Corruption mars every project of development. It is undermining our country. Pakistan is a victim of provincialism. The interests of every province almost run counter those of the others. Thats why; we fail to make plans for national interests. It is one of the major causes of our impoverishment. Rapidly increasing population is worsening the situation. Crimes are the order of the day. Our law is made to safeguard the powerful. It has nothing to do with the poor. In the wake of such problems, the future of the country seems grim. But every dark cloud has a silver lining. So this may be the case with us. We are set in the furnace of trial which will shake off our rust. If we cope with these problems, we will come up as united republic which can take on every challenge of modern life. We need vision and sincere leadership and modern education. The people of Pakistan have queer tendency of standing united in the hour of trial though falling apart otherwise. They are one of the most talented peoples of the world. They have proved their worth in diverse fields like sports and technology. We are an agricultural country with a flourishing industry. We are the only Muslim state which has nuclear capability with one of the strongest armies of the world. Unity of people can tide over every difficulty. If Pakistan grapples with current problems, its future will be bright. Today, we exist in a decisive moment of history. This region is the focus point of world politics. We are very close to the present oil route and the future Great Game for oil is going to take its route over here. World powers are hatching various conspiracies to capture maximum spoils from here. Today, we assimilate ourselves with American interests. As a result, we are clubbed besides given carrots. If there is political stability and good governance in Pakistan, we can reap rich harvest. Now, it is time to see our national interests and not yoke ourselves in foreign agenda. For bright future of our country, free and independent judiciary is needed, which fortunately we do have today. The black law, the NRO is annulled and now first time in our living history bigwigs will be brought to book. If it happens, we will see a new Pakistan emerging from the debris of the past gloom. It will be a bright vista of hope and confidence and a new panorama of equality and progress which were unknown to the commoners in the past. We do believe the emergence of a new Pakistan which can claim the true harbinger of Islamic Renaissance in the 21st century. It will be featured with justice, material achievement coupled with social and moral comportment suggesting the world the real and practical code of conduct in these uneasy times which spiritual emptiness has blackened the annals of ongoing history. So, Pakistan will be a state to watch and follow; a happy and arguable blend of soul and mind, earth and heaven, and above all the Law of God and the freedom of men.

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

It is not merely a Utopian ideal nor is it an illusion. It can be possible if, like China, people are molded into a working virility and they will go all-out for common good and for common cause. There will be no exploitation, no injustice and no disequilibrium between the high and the low. It will eradicate provincialism. We have all the resources of land and water with skillful people who have passion to strive for a better future. The need is to guide them in a proper way and present democratic system stems our hope. With accountability, democracy will yield coveted results and then there will be a new earth and new heaven and the dream of Iqbal and Jinnah will come true. 7. Importance of Sports and Games Sports and games are necessary part of human activity. They are played at various levels. They keep us fit and active. We learn discipline, teamwork and cooperation from them. They also instill us spiritual virtues like tolerance and patience. Almost all kind of sports and games involve physical movement. We have physical exertion which burn our calories. They have definite effect on our health. Obesity is one of the biggest problems faced by men and women around the globe. It causes many diseases and decreases the quality of life. Sports and games keep us fit and active. We are better prepared against disease if we play some game. We can keep off blood pressure, heart attack and diabetes. They instill us a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, discipline, justice, fair play and patriotism. Games provide us with recreation and enjoyment. They teach us how to struggle and how to retreat. We learn how to co-operate with others. We cherish our victory but at the same time we bear our defeat. It is a good moral lesson to learn. Games are very essential for students. A student has to sit for a long time at one place. It is not good for his health. He needs physical exertion. Games provide him the chance to stir his muscles. Sorts and games also enhance mental faculty. A player has sharp judgment and quick reflexes. Unfortunately, many parents do not allow children to play games. They consider it wastage of time. They need to know that a healthy body has a healthy mind. We all are familiar with the maxim 'Health is wealth'. It is the games which impart us this wealth. Those players who have extra-ordinary skills of some sports can qualify to play in the national team. International players earn a lot of money and fame. They are considered the heroes of a nation. In our country, various games like cricket, hockey, football, snooker, volleyball, squash and tennis are played. Among them, cricket is our passion. However, there are not proper facilities of sports in our society. Due to over- population, playing areas are converted into residential colonies. Government must do something to discourage this trend. Sports facilities should be provided so that young generation should be saved from drug addiction and other bad habits. 8. LOAD SHEDDING Load shedding means power outage for long and regular intervals. Pakistan has been facing this problem ever since its birth but these days it has become very serious. In the past, there was load shedding only in summer but now it is round the year. It has affected every field of life. Every government tries and claims to overcome it but all in vain.

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

Load shedding affects every field of life. Today, life seems paralyzed without electricity. Our factories and mill are closed. Country production is on the decline and workers are jobless. We have to get loan from the World Bank and the IMF to meet our needs. Trade deficit and inflation are on the rise. Common citizens remain with out light and water in the intense weather. Students can't study in the darkness and patients suffer in the hospitals. There are riots in every city. People are protesting and government high-ups are busy in blame game. The main reason of load shedding is the increasing difference between demand and supply of electricity. Our population is growing. Today almost every house has domestic appliances like ac, fridge, cooler, washing machine, television and iron etc. New industry is being installed. Every politician tries to provide electricity to more and more villages in his constituency. All these need more electricity. On the other hand, our power generation means are limited. We have not built any new dam for the last two decades. Terbela, Mangla and other existing dams are unable to fulfill the ever increasing demand of electricity. Now it is impossible to build Kalabagh and other dams, thanks to cursed politics. Our gas reservoirs are running out. We generate power mostly from oil. It consumes our foreign reserves. Moreover, thermal electricity is expensive. Our nuclear program is for armament. We have not signed the NPT. Therefore, we can't get nuclear power plants. There is no doubt that present government is trying to overcome it. Many projects are underway. Many power plants are being rented or installed. Tharparkar, Sindh, has vast reserves of coal which can be used to generate electricity. The project is being worked out. If it is accomplished, our energy requirements will be met. Besides, some small dams are being built. Load shedding is national problem and it needs national effort to cope with it. Time is running out and we will have to decide what to do. Without cheap electricity, future of the country seems grim.

9. Terrorism What is terrorism? Commonly accepted meanings of terrorism are the use of violence against an individual or a group to make them do what they would not do in normal condition. According to Christopher Hitchens, Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint. The use of terrorism is perhaps as old as human history. However, these days, it has touched the peak and doomed the world. Terrorism is one of the most inhuman acts. It has stained the face of humanity. According to a critic, Terrorism is war against civilization Man has fought many battles including the nuclear meltdown during Second World War. The Colonial Rule of the 19th century was also terrorism but 9/11 episode has pushed the world to a greater danger ever imagined. America started global campaign against militant

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

Muhammad Yasin GiLL, M.A. English, B.Ed. 0092-3226278595

groups. Al Qaeda led by bin Laden was considered the prime suspect in the tragedy of 9/11. American attack on Afghanistan pushed Pakistan into hell. American attack on Afghanistan and Iraq has killed millions of people. Is it also terrorism? Of course, when innocent people are killed, it is terrorism. According to Noam Chomsky, Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, In the beginning, Pakistan was a great supporter of Taliban but it had to give in to American pressure. Pakistan gave full support to US in the war. It angered militant groups housed in the FATA and other tribal areas. The tragedy of Lal Masjad aggravated the situation. Pakistan became a potential target of an unending spat of suicide attacks. Suicide attack is the worst form of terrorism. A terrorist ties explosives with his body and blows himself up at his target. Vehicles full of explosives are also used to cause widespread destruction. Such vehicles destroyed Marriot hotel and FIA buildings. Military vehicles, posts, police stations, strategic places, and offices of secret agencies are the target of suicide attacks. Common citizens are not spared. Mosques and shrines in the whole country are being attacked. Today, Pakistan is bleeding. War on terror does not seem to end. No doubt, Pak army conducted successful operation in Swat and Malakand but still militancy is not rooted out. It needs collective vision and resolve to rid Pakistan of this evil. Moreover, Americans cant end terrorism if they continue to pursue their imperialistic ideals.

Scholars Academy, Qaswa Homes, Main Gate Steam Power Station, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad. 0092-3226278595, 00923136278595

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