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There are several ways one can articulate his emotion.

It is quite intriguing to note that the articulation itself is in no way less important than the emotion that is getting articulated. It is the very beauty of articulation that defines what we call art. Expression of any specific shade of emotions can be realized via different media and every such medium gives birth to an art form. When words form the medium, we get literature. When colors form the medium, we get painting. When sound, rhythm and melody form the medium, we get music. Every age has its own signature art form. Renaissance observed the greatest ascent of painting in Europe, while 17th and 18th century are famous for classical music and literature there in. From later end of 19th century, world began to observe rise of a very different art form what today we call film or movie. It was a type of visual communication through moving pictures and sound to tell stories, but not in the way they are told in literature. It was different in its expression, in its language and in its feeling altogether. This new form shook the world and its tremor began to be felt in our country as well. Bengal was the epicenter of this ripple. Slowly but steadily Bengali cinema emerged as a popular entertaining media and then went on to transcend the restricted circle of entertainment to realize its potential for making serious films. In course of its realization, it had been blessed with appearance of several talented filmmakers among whom the most revered trinity were Ritwik Ghatak, Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen as they are said to have successfully represented Bengali films to the international platform. But after their departure, there created a vacuum. The stage for serious and intellectual film-making was in need of someone to keep the show on and there came a man who not only carried the legacy left by his predecessors triumphantly, but also played an instrumental role in shaping up the milieu of Bengali film-making to pave the way for his next generation to come. He is Rituparno Ghosh. Today when he is no more with us, we are going to make a humble effort to explore him in his works, achievements and in his life.

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