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At age 21, he was sent by his father, who reassured the Duke Guglielmo Gonzaga of his son's abilities,

to fix the organ of Santa Barbara in Mantua. Additionally, Costanzo worked with his father in the construction of the Antegnati organ, at one time the largest and most famous in the world, which was built in 1581 for the friars of St. Joseph's Church in Brescia. In 1595 he was commissioned by Catherine Gonzaga, daughter of the Marquis Alfonso Gonzaga, for the construction of the organ at the Church of St. Erasmus Prepositurale in Castel Goffredo.[3]. Although few of his instruments survive, in Bergamo is the remarkable 'Organ Antegnati' of the church of St. Nicholas (1588). This organ was restored in 1996. He is most famous for the work L'arte organica (1608) which provides technical details of 144 organs built by his family, rules about the tuning of organs and harpsichords, and advice regarding organ registration.[2]

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