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First founded in Batavia's Kampung Tugu in 1661 the keroncong is a popular Indonesian genre born from
the fusion of eastern and western culture. Instruments often used are: suling, acoustic guitar, bass guitar,
viola, cello, and contra bass. It is said that the Tugu community inherited the Portugese music culture
from the Moors called the "Moresco" which was the forerunner for the keroncong in the 1620s from a
Portugese ship. Keroncong has had 4 phases: Keroncong tempo dulu (1880-1920), Keroncong abadi
(1920-1960), Keroncong modern (1960-2000), dan Keroncong millenium (2000-now).

The name keroncong came from the simultaneous sound of playing the 3 guitars together of "krong-
krong" or "crong-crong" which eventually became the name it is known today.

Popular Keroncong Artists:

- Gesang

- Bram Aceh

- Waldjinah

- etc.

Characteristics of Keroncong:

- Dynamic tone

- Vocal form with the accompaniment of several string instruments

- etc.






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