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Second written output Music 10

1. It is a dance form of African origins around 1838 which evolved into an African-Brazilian invention in the
working class and slum districts of Rio de Janeiro. (Samba)
2. It is a style of Latin folk music and dance. The term son literally means “sound” in Spanish. (Son)
3. It is a social dance with marked influences from Cuba and Puerto Rico that started in New York in the mid
1970’s. (Salsa)
4. It is a popular African courtship dance with European and African instrumentation and characteristics,
originating in Panama and Colombia. (Cumbia)
5. It is a foremost Argentinian and Uruguayan urban popular songs and dance and remains a 20th century
nationalistic Argentinian piece of music that is most expressive. (Tango)
6. It is a ballroom dance originated in Cuba in 1953 that was derived from the mambo. (Cha Cha)
7. It is a popular recreational dance with Afro-Cuban origin. (Rumba)
8. It is the slower and gentler version of the Cuban Samba, originated in the 1950s. (Bossa nova)
9. It is an urban popular music and dance style that originated in Jamaica in the mid1960s. (Reggae)
10. This dance had no fixed step pattern, instead borrowing from other dance forms and having a simple
forward/backward sequence. (Foxtrot)
11. It is a theatrical Spanish dance used by the Spaniards in bullfights which means “double step”. (Paso Doble)
12. These are instruments that were during the Aztec Empire (c. 1345-1521 CE) and Mayan Civilization (1800 BC-
Ad950) (Aztec & Mayan Instruments)
13. These are instrument that were being played during the civilization of Inca between c. 1400 and 1533 CE in
Pre-Columbian America, which was centered in what is now Peru. (Incan Instruments)
14. It is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of abstract designs or images of
their deities. (Tlapitzalli)
15. It is categorized as drum percussion instrument (idiophone). (Teponaztli)
16. It is a wind instrument (aerophone) made from a seashell usually of a large sea snail. (Conch (Concha)
17. It is a hand percussion instrument (idiophone) whose sound is produced by scraping a group of notched
sticks with another stick, creating a series of rattling effect. (Rasp)
18. It is categorized as membranophone. (Huehueti)
19. This can be made of natural elements such as bone from animals. (Whistles)
20. It is an ancient vessel flute made of clay or ceramic with four to 12 finger holes and a mouthpiece that
projected from the body. (Ocarina)
21. The typical feature includes bamboo tubes of different lengths tied together either in pairs or more to create
graduated pitches of sound. (Zamponas (Panpipes)
22. It is made from bamboo tubes, but can also be made from condor feather, bone, and any materials. (Siku)
23. These are vertical duct flutes with a mouthpiece similar to that of a recorder, used during the rainy season.
24. These are vertical cane flutes with an end-notched made from fragile bamboo. (Quenas)
25. It is categorized as string instrument (chordophone). (Charango)

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