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David Gauntlett

With help from; my space and other form of social media, YouTube and other filming based web pages, allows people to be creative with their profiles and other things to do with them in order to create a new, form of identity that only the creator of that can control. He also agrees with the idea of your identity being a performance and also suggesting that it changes due to certain events, trends and other new social issues that are considered the norm.

Judith Butler

The queer theory & fluid identities Men's magazines & modern masculinity Womens magazines & female identity Youth is working in a similar way; with the idea that youth or their identity can be changed in order to fit a certain criteria for that social group.

Acland 1995

You need order to cause chaos and you need chaos to restore order. He also states that people or organisations; church/religion, school, TV/visual media, government and other things relating to these groups are able to control us with the use of showing the audience the negative side to youth with in the media just by showing a few bad images and videos of the youth doing bad things, which leaves a big negative impact on all youths and also makes the public think and feel that this is the norm.

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