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Faculty of Social Sciences

M. A. Final Year Examination Subject: Economics Paper- V (Industrial Economics)

Time: 3 Hours} Part A (5x5 = 25) (Short Answer Type) Note: Answer All questions. Each question carries Five marks 1 Nexus between Agriculture and Industry 2. Product Differentiation 3. Location Factors 4. Representative firm 5. Transfer of Technology Part B (5 x 15 = 75) (Essay Answer Type) Note: Answer All questions. Each question carries Fifteen marks 6. a) Explain the importance of industrialization in Developing countries OR b) Discuss the Hoffmann theory of industrialization 7. a) Discuss the performance of different markets and their structures OR b) Examine the inter-relationship between Innovation and Profitability 8 a) Comment on the validity of Sargent Florences theory of industrial location in Mixed economy OR b) Comment on Downies Growth theory of Firm 9.a) Explain the method of measurement of growth and profitability of the firm OR b) Critically Evaluate the performance of Public sector in India 10.a) Explain the different methods in classification of industries OR b) Discuss the recent trends in industrial growth in India {Max Marks: 100

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