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y r o t s s d a Faw

British Council 2013

My name is Fawad. Im from Afghanistan. I came to this country two years ago with my younger brother, Ali.

British Council 2013

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My father paid some men to take us to the UK in a lorry because it was too dangerous for us to stay in Afghanistan. The journey was very long and difficult.

British Council 2013

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When we arrived in Dover, I didnt know where we were. At first I thought we were in London and I was surprised because it looked so small!

British Council 2013

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The police took us to a police station and we stayed there all night. The police officers were very kind to us and gave us hot drinks and food.

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The next day, a translator came because we didnt speak any English. They asked us a lot of questions and we were scared that wed have to go back to Afghanistan, but we got permission to stay in the UK, and now Im studying English at a college in London.

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Im interested in computers and I plan to work in IT one day. But first I want to speak English really well.

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One day, Id like to go back to Afghanistan to see the rest of my family, but now Im busy with my studies and looking after my brother.

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In Afghanistan we lived in a big house, and now we share one small room, but Im happy that we are together and safe, and I believe that the future will be great for both of us.

British Council 2013

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British Council 2013

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