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If you already have DOSBox 0.74 installed, skip to 3. 1. Open DOSBox 0.

74 folder and double click the installer. 2. Full installation of DOSBox using installation directory as follows: C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74 3. Open My Computer. Go into your Program Files folder. 4. Create a new folder called "WarcraftII". (File path should be "C:\Program Files\warcraftii". 5. Copy and paste the CONTENTS of "Game" folder into the "WarcraftII" folder. 6. Go inside the "WarcraftII" folder and look for a file called "WAR2EDIT" or "WAR2EDIT.exe". Hold right click and drag the file onto your desktop. Click create shortcut. Rename the shortcut "Warcraft II" 7. Right click the new shortcut and click properties. 8. In the "target" box, copy and paste this exactly: "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" "C:\Program Files\warcraftii\war2.exe" -conf "c:\Program Files\warcraftii\DOSBox 0.74 Options" -exit -fullscreen" 9. Click change icon and browse to C:\Program Files\warcraftii. 10. Double click the file called "war2icon" then press ok. 11. Press ok. 12. Play game. NOTE: PRESS ALT+ENTER TO TOGGLE FULLSCREEN. ALTERNATIVELY, YOU CAN PERMINENTLY SET DOSBOX TO FULL SCREEN ON STARTUP BY GOING INTO YOUR DOSBOX INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: "C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.74". DOUBLE CLICK THE "DOSBox Options" FILE. LOOK FOR A LINE WHICH SAYS "Fullscreen = False" CHANGE IT TO SAY "Fullscreen = True"

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