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For tomorrow's speech : 27/2/2013 ICC

1. Perpaduan dan Keharmonian Rakyat

Only BN cares about this. That is why BN is formed, AMANAH RAKYAT - PEOPLES TRUST 2. Transformasi 1Malaysia Concept ETP - Economic Transformation Programmee GTP - Government Transformation Programmee PTP - Political Transformation Programmee NKRA - National Key Result Area NKEA - National Key Economic Area (SPU WEBSITE : ) - dasar2 kerajaan yang lengkap 3. SCORE eg. SCORE - job opportunities - spin offs 2.7 million Population Projection 2012 - 2.7 mil population -70% are educated with secondary education 2020 - 3.5 million people 2030 - 4.4 million people

4. What is your role NGOs, individuals?

* Kenapa Barisan Nasional harus kita sokong? * PM berjiwa rakyat - 10 sebab...

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