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When referring to text, indentation is the increase or decrease of the space between the left and right margin of the paragraph. In other words, its the blank space between the margin and the beginning of the line of text. It is also called indent. Indents can also be negative. This is called an outdent, which pulls the paragraph outside of the left margin. There are others kind of indent formatting like hanging indent. This is an example of a first line indentation: Freewriting is a brainstorming activity in which you write freely about a topic because you are looking for a specific for focus. While you are writing, one idea will spark another idea.

And this is an example a left indentation: Remember, the more you freewrite, the more ideas you will have. Dont Wolf your mind seems to run dry. Just keep your moving. Keep in mind the more you freewrite, the more ideas you will have. Dont Wolf your mind seems to run dry. Just keep your moving.

This is an example of a right indentation: Clustering is a brainstorming activity in which you use to generate ideas. To use this technique, first write your topic in the center of your paper and draw a balloon around the core. Think about each of this ideas and make more balloons around them.

And finally and example of an outdent: Remember, the more you freewrite, the more ideas you will have. Dont Wolf your mind seems to run dry. Just keep your moving. Keep in mind the more you freewrite, the more ideas you will have. Dont Wolf your mind seems to run dry. Just keep your moving. As with listing, the purpose of freewriting is to generate as many ideas as possible and write them down without worrying about appropriateness, grammar, spelling, logic, or organization.

To conclude I think that indentation its a very important part of the polish process because its helps to us to difference the begging of a new paragraph. Furthermore, it is a way to show that the paragraph is important or is an extra information depends of the circumstances.

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