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Written By Rachel Sparks

1100 E. 5th St. Anderson, IN 46012 870-656-0294


INT. APARTMENT SCENE - EVENING BETTY, 22, college student walks into the apartment. She stands in the doorway soaking wet, with her overnight bag on one shoulder, backpack on the other, while her brunette hair tangles under the straps of each. Her right arm is loaded with her personal bags, grocery bags, and purse. ALICE, 20, fashion lover, is watching America's Next Top Model while painting her toe nails in the living room. Meanwhile, RENAE, 21, genius, is studying her African American roots at the table. Lastly, GENUINE, 21, better known as GEENA, is reading an article on her iPad in the living room. Betty walks in, crossing the living room/kitchen while greeting her roommates. BETTY (With no enthusiasm) Hey guys. Betty dumps her belongings onto the floor of her room, and brings the grocery bags back to the kitchen. BETTY Hey, are we still on for roomie dinner night? Alice gives a slight head nod, but continues to paint her toes. Renae does not even look up and Geena does not respond and is now listening to music while reading. Betty looks around the room and enters the center of the living room. BETTY Too late now Geena. That's it. We're making dinner. Alice, you're in charge of setting the table and drinks. Renae, you make the salad. And Geena, you and I will peel potatoes and start the chicken. GEENA Betty? I'm a vegetarian, so I can't eat meat. BETTY I'm not asking you to eat it. I'm asking you to touch it.

GEENA Chill, it was a joke. BETTY Not now, girl. We are having this dinner. We all love each other and dang it it'll be fun. The girls look at one another. ALICE I'm sorry Betty. (sarcastically) I got so caught up in Tyra sharing her passion with these girls. RENAE Ya, and I was lost in MLK's great speech. You know, "I have a dream..." I do have a dream that this dinner is going to be delectable. GEENA Ya girl, I'm sorry, But, you do know I'm always in another world once I turn on Brandy, let alone when I'm reading about her new album. Betty smiles slightly. GEENA Can I just point out one thing? Ladies, look at Betty right now. She is dripping from head to toe, and she still has tons of swag. Work it girl. Betty looks down at herself, and smiles. BETTY (Laughing, then with attitude.) Shoot, I don't even understand why I don't have a man when I have all of this goin' on. Everyone laughs. BETTY Okay, I'm gonna go change, and then it's time for roomie bonding.

All the girls jump into action. Alice grabs the plates, silverware, and cups. Renae gets out all of the ingredients to make the salad and starts slicing and dicing. And Geena pulls out the potatoes staying clear of the chicken in the fridge. Betty comes back out after putting on dry clothes. All the girls are in the kitchen preparing dinner while it continues to storm outside. BETTY Okay, I want to hear about Alice's date from last night. RENAE Ya. How did it go? Did he look in the Zagat and take you to the most romantic dinner ever? ALICE No, no Renae. He was sweet, charming, and definitely a gentleman. However, he was too young. I need a little more "man" in my men, and I felt like tiny, little me could snap him with one word. GEENA Sounds too innocent for my taste. ALICE Renae, you actually probably would have gotten along with him a lot better. GEENA Ya, he sounds like he has just the right amount of virgin left in him. RENAE Hey, wanting a virgin, and respecting my body is nothing to be ashamed of. But let's face it. Any guy Alice would consider couldn't possibly even know what the word Zagat means let alone use one. BETTY Hey now ladies, reel it in. We're all entitled to our own tastes and preferences in men. Although, some of our preferences (glancing at (MORE)

4 BETTY (CONT'D) Alice and Geena) may not always be the best. ALICE Oh, you're one to talk. Ya, you're impossible could ever was Mother GEENA the girl with the checklist that no man measure up to even if he Teresa's grandson.

ALICE Ya, at least we're open to trying new things. And if that means a new guy every week then so be it. GEENA Exactly, God made his creations in order to be enjoyed not just observed. BETTY Alright, alright, alright. Fine. In order to prove that I'm just as open to the next man that comes along I'll go on one date a week until the end of the semester. Starting this week. Not only will I go on these dates, but I'll let each of you participate in the selection process of these dates. Every other week you guys will pick my date. The lights flicker, and then completely go out. Only random flashes of lightning can be seen. The girls scream. BETTY Shh, shh, shh. I'll find the flashlight. RENAE Geena, please watch where you swing that peeler. BETTY Found it. (flips the switch, nothing) Alice give a sheepish, guilty giggle.

ALICE I must have forgot to grab the batteries. Oops. That must have been the day Kevin was working at the store. He's so dreamy. His lines nail me every time... GEENA Alice, I'm all about keeping your options open, but Kevin is allowing yourself to be a little too open. If you know what I mean. BETTY I don't think any of us want to know what you mean. I'm gonna' go down the hall to see if anyone has any extra batteries. 2. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALL - EVENING Betty wanders down the hall past 2D reading the "do not disturb" sign hung from the peep hole on the door. She rolls her eyes and continues down the hall. 3. INT. 1 INT. APARTMENT SCENE CONT.- EVENING Back in the apartment, the girls are searching the apartment for anything that will help them light the kitchen area. They are looking with their cell phone lights in hand, and coming up short. 4. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALL CONT. - EVENING Betty doors after broad makes her way down to 2G after coming up short at 2E and 2F. She gives a slight knock, and then another no response. The door opens and all we see is a tall figure. 2G #1 Hello. BETTY (with a dreamy expression and voice while holding up her flashlight) Batteries? 2G #1 Excuse me? BETTY I mean, do you have any batteries? (MORE)

6 BETTY (CONT'D) My roommates and I have a flashlight, but no double As to provide us with light. (flirtatiously) Do you think you could be my knight and shining armor and help me out? 2G #1 One sec. Goes back into apartment, leaves the door open, returns with two batteries, and hands them to Betty. 2G #1 Here you go. These should do the trick. BETTY Oh, thank you so much. I'll be sure to tell everyone how helpful you were. 2G #1 Nah, don't mention it. Be careful in this blackout. BETTY Oh I will. Thanks again. (with a coy smile) I'm in 2C if I can ever return the favor for you. (winking) 2G #1 Goodnight. 2G #1 closes the door. Smiling, Betty slowly walks down the hall back to her apartment. FADE OUT FADE IN 5. INT. APARTMENT SCENE - EVENING The girls are sitting around the kitchen table with the three candles they managed to find lit, slightly munching on the lettuce Renae had cut for the salad. ALICE She's been gone for quite a while. Do you think she's alright? Should (MORE)

7 ALICE (CONT'D) we go look for her? GEENA I don't know. Maybe, our neighbors in 2D coaxed her inside and we will never see her again. ALICE (panicked) Not 2D. They don't even dress themselves according to Tyra's daily tips. RENAE Now, now, if you estimate that it takes about three minutes per apartment to knock, ask if they have batteries, and then for them to look. Then, you times that number by the number of apartments. Then you get about 24 minutes for just this hall. She's only been gone 22. Give her a couple minutes. Then we can get worried. Geena shakes her head in disbelief. Betty comes sauntering in with a goofy smile on her face. She pays no attention to the roommates, but stands in the doorway looking down at her batteries and smiling. ALICE Are you okay? What happened? Where have you been? We've been so worried. RENAE Were you able to make your way down the hall alright in the dark? GEENA Did you get the batteries? We've been sitting in the dark for quite a while now. Geena waves her hand in front of Betty's face. BETTY (smiles and sighs) 2G. ROOMMATES (confused) (MORE)

8 ROOMMATES (CONT'D) 2G? Betty snaps back and quickly reveals the batteries. BETTY Ta-Da! Mission complete. ALICE Where'd you get them? RENAE Maybe the more interesting question is from whom did you receive the batteries? GEENA That's it. Betty, tell us what happened. And do not leave out a single juicy detail. The girls stumble their way to the living room. BETTY Okay, so there I was in the hall with lost hopes of ever finding batteries. I knocked on 2G, and all I could see was this dark, tall, broad shouldered man open the door. Guys, he had the deepest, sexiest voice you have ever heard. All I could mutter was, "batteries"? He was so nice, and very handsome... Betty's voice trails off. FADE OUT FADE IN 6. INT. APARTMENT SCENE CONT. - EVENING The lights kick back on and the girls are sprawled on the couch, floor, and table fighting to keep their eyes open. Betty is in the center still rambling on about 2G, as she looks off in the distance while she talks. RENAE (exclaiming) Thank you God! GEENA (interrupting) Oh, thank you Jesus. Betty, that's it your date for the week is with (MORE)

9 GEENA (CONT'D) your knight, 2G. BETTY No. That is not possible. We barely know each other. I made a fool of myself. Nope, not happening. ALICE (interrupting) You said we could pick, so this is our choice for the week. RENAE Ya, you wouldn't back out on your word would you? BETTY Guys, you don't even know him. Maybe you should see if he's a good match before you send me on a date with him. GEENA Nope, it's settled. 7. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING HALL CONT. - EVENING Geena marches out into the hall, down to apartment 2G and bangs on the door. The door opens and Geena stands face-to-face with a tall, gangly, blond guy with glasses and a squeaky voice. Geena looks him up and down. GEENA Will you go on a date with my roommate? We live in apartment 2C. 2G #2 (pushes up his glasses while holding up his pants) Yes. FADE OUT FADE IN 8. INT. APARTMENT SCENE CONT. - EVENING Geena comes back into the apartment with the girls sitting in the living room.


GEENA It's done! Girl, I got you a date. I do have to commend you Betty, you are definitely opening your options up with this guy. BETTY So? When is it? Where? Details, I need them. GEENA Girl, it's going to be tomorrow. You will meet him at the Coffee Cup at 2pm. I told him to bring a white daisy and to wear a school sweatshirt. That way you will be sure to pick him out among the crowd. ALICE Oh Betty, we have to pick an outfit out for you. This is so exciting. (singing) Betty has a date, Betty has a date. La la la la. BETTY Oh no. What have I gotten myself into? FADE OUT 9. EXT. COFFEE CUP - AFTERNOON Betty walks across campus from her class to the Coffee Cup. She opens the door and looks around the room. She spots the daisy laying on the table and quickly walks over while weaving in and out of tables. When she gets to the table she steps back and is confused. A guy is awkwardly bent over underneath searching for his glasses that he just stepped on. Betty darts away before the awkward man can see her. Darting away she trips over the chair and falls to the ground. 2G comes up from under the table, bumps his head, and spots Betty. 2G #2 Are you 2D, Geena's roommate? With her back to the table Betty turns around.


BETTY (hesitantly) Yes, I am. It's 2C. I'm Betty. 2G #2 (in awe) Betty, the essence of your beauty is that of an angel. 2G #2 extends his hand to help her up, but he cannot counteract her weight, he stumbles, and they both are left laughing awkwardly on the ground. Betty looks up and outside the window she sees her knight, 2G #1. He is laughing and talking to another girl. 2G #2 (looking up following Betty's stare) Hey, there's my roommate, Greg. FADE OUT 10. THE END



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