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54- Fifty-fourth Lesson Under the Weather

1. Harry is under the weather. He went to work but he wasnt feeling well.
2. Hes had the flu three times this winter. And now his sinus condition is kicking up again.
3. Its been a tough year. The kids both had the measles, and then I broke my wrist when I
slipped on the ice. Its better now, but it hurt for weeks.
4. We need a week in Florida, but Harry doesnt get any time off work until March and we
cant afford to take an unpaid vacation.
5. Well just have to tough it out and drink lots of orange juice.
6. Hopefully, itll stop snowing soon.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
Translate to English
1. Eu quebrei uma perna quando eu escorreguei no gelo.
2. Ele no pode se dar o luxo de ter um carro. _________________________________________
3. Nevou durante dez dias. _______________________________________________________
4. Minha sogra (mother-in-law) passou um ano difcil.
55- Fifty-fifth Lesson Future Parents
1. But Dr. Scott, weve been trying for over two years to conceive.
2. I know that, Carol, but have you been trying at the right times? You know your cycle
better than anyone else.
3. Well, Ive been taking my temperature every morning, and when necessary Bob has been
leaving for work a bit later than usual. Isnt that so, Bobby?
4. Well, Dr. Scott, you could say that on the whole Ive been playing my part.
5. Ive been a fertility specialist for over 20 years and my record has been on the whole pretty
good. My advice is to keep trying. Theres no reason for this not to work.
6. Weve been eating those alfalfa sprouts like you told us, doctor, and Bob has been taking
those garlic tablets.
7. Youll conceive, mark my word
8. Lets go home, dear.


Translate to English
1. Ns temos comido comprimidos de alho h trs meses.
2. Os resultados dele eram bastante bons. _________________________________________________
3. Ela o conhece melhor do que ningum (mais).
4. Continuemos comendo. _____________________________________________________

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