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66- Sixty-sixth Lesson Back at the Window

1. Excuse me, do you speak English?

2. No, not very well, but Ill try to help you, nonetheless.
3. Thank you, youre very modest. I wish my Japanese was half that good! I want to send
this package to New York, but it has to arrive before the tenth of the month. Its my moms
fiftieth birthday.
4. We have a special express mail service in our country. To the US itll take forty-eight
5. Thatll do.
6. But for three kilos and 250 (two hundred and fifty) grams itll cost you an arm and a leg!
7. For my mom, the skys the limit.
8. But itll be over a hundred dollars!
9. A hundred dollars! Thats crazy. Thats more than I paid for the gift. Ill just call her.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
1. Ele estar de volta no 15 dia do ms. __________________________________________
2. Ele te manda os melhores desejos. ______________________________________________
3. Custa o olho da cara. _______________________________________________
4. Ele mais velho que voc. Quantas vezes? Pelo menos duas vezes!
67- Sixty-seventh Lesson Ill Switch my Appointment
1. I was supposed to go to Pittsburgh on the five-thirty flight, but Pittsburgh is snowed-in
and I wont be able to get out until morning.
2. So I think Ill switch around my appointments and catch the six-thirty flight to Orlando
and fly back up to Pittsburgh on Thursday to meet Charlie Jenkins. Will that be okay with
the guys in the planning office?
3. No problem here. It makes no difference on this end.
4. Otherwise, I would have had to sleepover at the airport and hope to God that the weather
improved by morning.
5. Okay, Ill send an e-mail to the plant in Orlando and tell them youre coming in tonight.
Do you need a hotel?
6. Orlandos the home of Mickey and Minnie. I can stay with them.
7. Very funny, Mr. Jackson!
8. No, its okay Luke. Ill call the Hiltons 800 (eight hundred) number.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
Translate to English
1. Eu teria gostado de ir frica com voc. ____________________________________________
2. Se voc tivesse ligado, ns teriamos te ajudado.
3. Tnhamos que ir (voar) a Orlando, e depois voltar (de carro) para Boston.

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