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Course planning and syllabus design The course rationale Describing the entry and exit level Choosing

course content Determining the scope and sequence - Simple to complex - Chronology - Need - Prerequisite learning - Whole to part or part to whole - Spiral sequencing 5. Planning the course structure A. Selecting a syllabus framework A.1. Grammatical (structural) syllabus A.2. Lexical syllabus A.3. Functional syllabus A.4. Situational syllabus A.5. Topical or content-based syllabus A.6. Competency-based syllabus A.7. Skills syllabus A.8. Task-based syllabus A.9. Text-based syllabus A.10. An integrated syllabus B. Developing instructional blocks 6. Preparing the scope and sequence plan 1. 2. 3. 4.

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