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There she stood waiting. Her name, Emily, her age, 13, she was tall, blonde, and had brown eyes. She was wearing a pink top and light blue jeans. She was standing in front of the window, in her home on Langsinton Street. She was waiting for her boyfriend, Matthew who had promised, He would take her for a walk in the park afterschool. See, Emily had had skipped school that day because her parents were having problems and she didnt want to be gone if anything bad should happen between them. They were far too busy arguing to notice her in her room. So Matthew wanted to keep her company, therefore he promised hed take her for a walk. At last, Matth ew arrived in front of Emilys house, He stood and waved as Emily stepped outside on her grayish, blue, porch, she waved back; forcing a smile, Mathew immediately noticed and asked, Whats wrong? Everything Emily though to herself, But instead chose to say. The same thing thats always wrong, my parents. Matthew already knew the entire issue about his girlfriends parents. Emily had told him everything over the phone just two days earlier. Aw, my bad, replied Matthew, he was only half an inch shorter then Emily, had dark brown, curly hair and was wearing a snapback, a faint gray hoodie, a green shirt and some dark jeans. He also had gray gym shoes. Come on, lets go, Urged Matthew, grabbing Emilys hand, she quickly pulled back, wait, that way?! She asked in horror. Yes, this way replied Matthew Its the fastest way to the park, But Matthew The old Landoverick house is down that way! Emily hesitated. It was highly believed by nearly the whole neighborhood that the vacated house down Langsinton street, was haunted by its very last owners, William Landoverick and his wife, Mandy Landoverick ever since their Mysterious deaths. About 50 years ago, they both were found dead in their upstairs living room. This whole story gave Emily the creeps, But Matthew made fun of everything whenever he had the chance. Aint it ironic that they were dead in the living room? HA! He said in a voice that convinced Emily he was joking again. There are no ghosts, Emily, besides, even if there were ghosts, they cant even touch us! So they especially cant kill us! Oh, please groaned Emily, If I see one, Ill get so scared, Ill get a heart attack, and then die! Oh wow! said Matthew, laughing, Lets just go. I got your back he added, smiling. Okay replied Emily.


As Matthew and Emily passed by the old house, Matthew had this not only crazy but dangerous idea, lets go inside! He offered, No way yelled Emily, cautiously Staying 3 Feet away from the houses lawn. Come on! Nothings going to happen to you! Come on lets go inside, And I Ill prove to you that theres no ghosts! said Matthew. And what if there are ghosts in there?! What if our sudden presence disturbs them?! Ive seen it all, Helpless humans go into a supposedly haunted house, they have a few laughs because each though it was haunted, little do they know three days later, THEY BOTH DIE OF NATURAL CAUSES!!!

Yelled Emily, in horror, and she was losing her patience Matthew, confused but still acting cool, said, You watch too much TV. So you dont want to come in? No Fine. And like that, the couple agreed to stay off that subject for the rest of the day, and continue on their trip to the park, which was now only two blocks away. Along their way to the park, Emily noticed some gray clouds forming in the sky, Look, Said Emily, Do you think were in for a storm?

Nah Replied Matthew.


At last they arrived at the park. Usually, it had at least 10 visitors, but much to their surprise, the little park was actually completely abandoned. The whole park is empty! said Emily in surprise, Thats good, now its just the two of us. said Matthew. Emily liked that, it will be more romantic, she thought, but she still wondered why the park was so empty. The couple went to the swings and sat next to each other.

Youre not even a little curious why the park is so empty? asked Emily, still not fully convinced that it was just a coincidence. Well Emily, I honestly dont care because were here, alone, and to me thats all that matters babe. said Matthew, smiling. Emily blushed; she now knew that Matthew would do anything to comfort her, even if he kidded around a lot of times.


After the couple romantically talked at the park for ten minutes, the gray clouds that had formed when Emily and Matthew were on their way to the park had gotten even darker. Emily could no longer concentrate on what Matthew was talking about. Matthew noticed this, "What's wrong?" he asked her, "The clouds, Matthew, looks like a storm is coming."

"There's not. Hey can I see your phone for a minute?" replied Matthew. "Stop avoiding it Matthew! You know there's a storm coming! Why are you trying to change the conversation?!" Replied Emily, irritated. "Okay fine, I'll admit that I'm not that sure of it but--" "AHA!" Interrupted Emily, now satisfied. "BUT!" Said Matthew, resuming his interrupted sentence, "The weather has treated us nicely these past few days, it's only been chilly, other than that it hasn't snowed, so why should it snow today? On our day? It seems unlikely. And I was trying not to ruin our day." He said, "But anyways let's go to the store! I want some chips, come on I'll buy you whatever you want." He added smiling. "Okay." Said Emily, still not fully convinced. The couple went to a nearby grocery store, it was a tiny place, at the corner of an apartment building right across the street from the park. There Matthew and Emily bought 6 bags of potato chips, 2 bottles of pop, and Matthew got himself a cinnamon bun and a roll of tape. What do you need tape for? said Emily, chuckling. I need it for a school project replied Matthew, laughing too. The y paid for their goods and were on their way out. But to Matthew's horror, and Emily's surprise, when Matthew opened and held the door for Emily, they were both greeted with Snow! They were so shocked they stood there looking for about 30 seconds. "Hey! Close that if you're not going to get out!" ordered the store owner.

"I told you!" Scolded Emily.

"Okay fine, so there is a storm, fine let's not argue about it... Yet. Let's go home before it gets worse. Let's go to your house since it's the closest one to the store." Replied Matthew, disappointed that their day had been ruined.

"Okay, let's go on 3."

"1, 2, 3!"

They both ran outside at the same time and both got a shocking, cold feeling, but the walked a few steps towards Emilys house.

"Ugh! All I have on is this hoodie, and it's so cold!" Complained Matthew.

"Shut up!, At least you have that! I only have this top! I'm practically dying!" Replied Emily with a faint voice. They were not far from the store and already they couldn't take the blizzard. The snow accumulated on the ground was little in some places to nothing in some; this was because of the wind, the wind that was also making temperatures unbearable for Matthew and especially Emily. "This is crazy! we were only in that store for two minutes and all this happens?!" Yelled Matthew. Emily didn't have enough strength to respond. They walked fighting the wind, until they reached the old Landoverick place on the next block. "Let's take shelter here!" Yelled Matthew, trying to get Emily to hear him under the wind. "What? No!" Emily replied, surprised that she could.

"Come on babe! We could barely make it across the street and halfway down this block to where we are! We won't make it another block and a half, and this blizzard is only getting stronger! And look what you're wearing! We wont make it! Please, you have to get over your fear; your life might depend on it! Now Emily didn't think it twice, she had frost bite on her arms and her hands were numb. She agreed, now she could only nod, her lips were sore and a little bloody. So now they both broke into the Old Landoverick Place. Matthew opened a window on the front porch and then went in through it, then helped Emily in.


Emily became scared the second she stepped into the big mansion, for it was just as big and ugly as it was on the outside, it had white paint that had gone gray with dust and was practically peeling off the walls in some parts of the living room they had just broken into. The floor creaked with every step they took, and the ceiling looked like it was going to collapse any second, there were windows on both sides of the front door, which was in the middle of the house, right in front of it was the living room, completely empty except for a chair, and some graffiti on the right side of the living room. At the far end from the front door, the back of the living room and the back of the house, through a hallway with doors and entrances among it, was a door that led to the second floor, and secretly, Emily planned not to go up there under any circumstances. To make their little visit worse, snow was coming in through the hole that Matthew made in the window at critical speed, the wind, you could hear it speeding through the hole in the window, and Emily didnt like any of it. Matthew, look! That hole is bringing us nothing but trouble! She said breaking the howls of the wind.

I know! Said Matthew, they were both raising their voice because of the winds loud howls. This is real spooky! Emily said. Matthew hesitated, but, for his girlfriend, he took off his hoodie and used it to cover up the hole. At least with my hoodie covering up this hole we wont feel so cold, maybe I wont need it He thought as he taped his hoodie to each corner of the hole. Im glad you bought that tape said Emily smiling. Yeah me too replied Matthew. As soon as he was done, he looked over to his girlfriend, You okay now, babe? Or are you still scared? He asked her, concerned about the look on her face. Dont call me stupid but, I find it spookier in the dark, all quiet in this empty home thats supposedly haunted. It sucks to know that our parents might not even care that were gone because each might think that the other is at each others houses! She said frantically.

Huh? Said Matthew, trying to figure out Emilys confusing sentence; Calm down he said, Youre speaking before you can think straight, that sentence made no sense, now, what was that you said about our parents? He added while holding her close.

You know, your parents might think youre at my house, and my parents will think Im at your house! Or my parents might not even notice Im gone, considering theyre always fighting about something! Said Emily, she felt a little safer in Matthews arms, so she said this calmly.

Aw. I see. Well lets call them to let them know youreI mean we, are okay! Said Matthew.

His words hit Emily like a slap in the face, she had forgotten all about her cellphone, she checked her pockets; Nothing. Her face grew pale, she was so scared, every teens horror had happened to her shes lost her phone. To make that worse, she knew exactly where she lost it; near the swings at the park they were at, when Matthew asked for it, she checked to see if she had it, and loosened it up, she knew it must have fallen out of her jeans pocket. Her phone was at the park, completely unprotected in the middle of a blizzard, a blizzard involved snow, snow would melt into water, and, well, we all know what water does to all types of electronic devices. She was putting all this together in less than a minute. Well? asked Matthew, Do you have it?

II lost it said Emily, shameful.

Oh gosh. Do you know where it might be? Matthew said, knowing the pain Emily was going through at that moment.

At the park, thats where I last had it Answered Emily.

Wow, and mines has no signal! Said Matthew, caring the least about Emilys problem now even though he understood her pain. But hey, lets stop worrying about our parents anyway, were the ones that need to survive, theyll be fine anyways, worried probably, but we know theyll be fine said Matthew. Lets find a way to spend the night here he said as he walked over to a window, It looks like the blizzard isnt going to die anytime soon he said as he looked out of the window. He checked the time on his No service phone; 9:48PM. With the blizzard outside only getting stronger every second, it looked like they would have no choice but to spend the night in the Old Landoverick Place.


12 minutes until 10:00. said Matthew, while looking at Emily.

I dont want to sleep here! said Emily.

I know, but we might have to this storm, like I said, is only getting stronger each second, look, the poles and traffic lights are leaning in the winds direction, and I cant really see well, but I think the snow has reached up like 1 or 2 inches! Plus, it got dark outside already, it

will be 10 oclock in about 10 minutes, were going to have to spend the night here unless never mind. said Matthew. Emily knew what Matthew said made a lot of sense, but she was curious to find out what Matthew was going to say. Unless what? She asked. Unless, you want to go for round 2 he said, with his head low, and his eyes the opposite direction from Emilys. Round 2? said Emily, not able to hide her confusion. Yeah, round 2, you know the snow outside; neither of us is cold anymore. Maybe if we run all the way to your house we can make it, but its a risky game, we have only one life and if any of us tries to stop, you know were goi ng to feel extremely cold, I mean, we both know how bad you were already before we reached this place, but we can try, Ill even give you my hoodie if you want. My dad was born in Alaska, maybe I have some of that blood in me, and maybe I can handle the weather out there a little better. Besides I

No Matthew, stop. said Emily, Were staying here, just for this night, and well go home in the morning where people will help us. Besides, even if we stay here, I doubt well sleep anyway. she added.

Are you sure? said Matthew, but before Emily could answer, they were both startled by a deafening crash in the second floor. Emily nearly fainted, her face was pale, and she was scared. A ghost! she hollered. Now Emily said Matthew, calmly but he too was a little alarmed, they were talking for so long they both forgot where they were for a minute. You know this is an old house, and you know theres a wild storm out there, with those crazy winds, why would you assume its a ghost when it could be the wind dropping something up there? he asked rhetorically.

But Emily gave him an answer to his question any ways, Because I doubt the wind would drop something in the middle of the ho use that sounded like it was back there. And I doubt theres a window up there. She said, Well lets go check and see whats up there said Matthew, unaware of what Emily had planned. NO! she hollered. But before Matthew could say another word, to their horror, they heard what neither wanted to hear out of an empty house that is supposedly haunted; footsteps. Footsteps coming from the second floor, Emily had tears in her eyes, her heart was pounding, she was horrified at the sound, Matthew wasnt far from what Emily felt, the only difference was that he didnt have tears in his eyes and had a better time pretending he wasnt scared, when in the inside, he was just as terrified as Emily. And he knew that, like every good boyfriend, he was supposed to be the brave one in their relationship, and with all the bravery he could find in himself, he managed to heroically say, Its probably humans, Ill go and check, you stay here. He said, but he was actually hoping that Emily would tell him no and that he should stay there with her, but her response surprised him. No Matthew, Ill come with you. She said with a faint voice.

Say what? asked a confused Matthew.

I said Ill come with you. If anything happens to you I want to be there to help, even if they are ghosts. She said bravely.

Arare you sure? said Matthew, still shocked about what Emily was saying.


Okay then, lets go he said, leading the way, slowly walking to the back of the living room and into the hallway. They were both walking very slowly, neither wanted to check what was up there, but they knew they had to. As Matthew walked, Emily stayed close behind, holding his hand, she felt safer that way, using Matthews phone as a flashlight, every time they passed by an entrance or an

open door they peeked inside, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, bedroom, closet. But then they reached the back of the hallway, the door that led to the second floor.

With all the hesitation in the world, Matthew reached for the doorknob, and slowly, very slowly, he twisted it right, then again, slowly, he pulled the door. The door made a an ugly, high pitched creek as Matthew slowly opened it, but soon he had it all the way open, and he shone his phones screen at the inside to light it up, and staring back at them was a narrow staircase that led to the second floor. Matthew started his way up, and, without a word, they both were on their way upstairs, the staircase was sort of cylinder shaped, Matthew and Emily both walked right, Matthew leading the way, shining the steps. The couple finally reached a door, and with even more hesitation, he reached for the knob, turned it, and pulled, locked. Its locked! he said, looking at Emily, he wasnt aiming his phone at her, but he could clearly see her roll her eyes just before saying, I think all this dust has gotten to your brain, silly. She said playfully. Youre supposed to push this one, not pull it! she said, laughing. She had forgotten why they were going up there in the first place, and Matthew refused to remind her, so put on a fake smile and laugh, and reached for the knob, and this time he pushed the door open. Yes, the door was unlocked. And now Matthew and Emily were staring into another hallway. Well, lets see whats up here said Emily, she now remembered why they were up there, and again that rush of fear was in her. And so, Matthew and Emily were walking through the second floor hallway, but as Matthew and Emily were peeking into each of the rooms as they walked towards the front, Emily noticed something Matthew didnt; two figures, two human figures, doing what seemed like hiding in one of the bedrooms closets. What? Emily wondered in her mind. What was that? Could it have been someone hiding in there? Was it a ghost? I need to find out, I have to say something! she thought. Matthew did you see that? she asked him. See what? He asked her.

That figure in that room we just passed, they seemed like two human shapes. She told him.

No, let me go check he said to Emily.

Emily became scared at his words. His voice had an unusual edge to it, and Emily knew exactly what it was, fear. And as Matthew walked past her, his phone dimmed, he tapped the screen, and it lit up again. The shine in his face revealed something he didnt want to admit, his eyes, they revealed something, but Emily wasnt quite sure, but after studying his face, she knew what that was too, regret. And Emily knew her boyfriend too well to not know what he was regretting; he was regretting ever going into that house. And Emily knew it, but she kept quiet as he walked over to the room, and in one split second, kicked the door wide open! WHOS IN HERE!? he barked, shining his phone in all directions, had Matthew finally lost it? No. Emily knew he was trying to sound scary, and she was well aware that he was doing a very good job at that, for he made her jump when he started yelling. Suddenly, she also knew she had not imagined what she saw, when Matthew hollered, WHO ARE YOU!? followed by, SHOW YOUR FACE! and then Emily heard a different voice, not Matthews, and definitely not hers. Matthew, is that you, bro? asked a males voice. Emily was shocked, who was in the room? How did he know Matthews name? Werent there two shapes she saw? How come she only heard one? But then her third question was answered, yes. She then heard a females voice say It is Matthew! And then she saw Matthew completely change his voice tone and position, as he calmly said Oh you guys! What are you guys doing here? Oh wait, Emily! Come see! Its Monica and Andrew!

And then the girls voice said Emilys here too?

Awesome! A double date! she heard the boys voice say.

Shyly, Emily walked over to what Matthew was staring at; she was so relieved to find out that the two shapes she saw were her best friend, Monica, and her boyfriend, Andrew. They both attended the same school as Matthew and Emily, they were real close. Andrew

had orange-reddish hair, like Matthew, he was a tall 13 year old, but Andrew had hazel eyes, and was wearing a green striped shirt, with his black jeans and Adidas kicks.

Monica, was short for her age, which was also 13, she was light skin, had dark eyes, and dark, straight hair. Like Emily, she was wearing light blue skinny jeans, but hers had rips in them, she was wearing a see-through top. It seemed like none of them knew the blizzard was coming. It was barely the start of winter, in 15 days it would be Christmas, but it hadnt really been that cold. Why are you guys here? Emily asked them. We come here to chill sometimes said Andrew. You know, no one comes near here, so we knew we wouldnt get caught. He added.

And theres no ghost said Monica, looking at Emily.

Yeah said Andrew, We heard your scream all the way up here! he said, laughing. Emily felt embarrassed, so she quickly changed the subject. So how come you guys were hiding? she asked, it was a perfect conversation changer. We were worried it was the authorities down there said Monica, We thought it was like, the owner of the house or something, after all you know what Andrew told you, no one comes in here any ways, so we thought it was someone who could get us in trouble, so we hid in this room, to take up less space, I sat on top of Andrew, but after ten minutes his legs got weak and he dropped me onto that nightstand and that lamp fell, that was the crash you two heard, so we hid up in the closet hoping no one would come up here, and when yall did, your boyfriend did nothing but scare the living daylights out of us with his deep scary voice telling us to show our face! she added, laughing. Emily was glad it wasnt just the two of them anymore, but she still had one thought in her mind, what were they going to do? ...

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