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2 Management Representative
What it takes to make a difference
by scott dawson

Leadership. Direction. Coordination. Communication. Coaching. All terms that could describe the critical
role of the Management Representative (MR) in an ISO9000 quality management system. Just as the point guard on a basketball team is responsible for setting up plays for his teammates, the MR is an enabler of the quality system. But, don't confuse responsibility for enabling the quality management system with developing and implementing the quality management system. The ISO9000 standard clearly places the latter responsibilities with "top management" (see ISO9000 5.1 and Core Business Solutions' ISO Explained article on "Management Responsibility"). The standard requires that the MR must be "a member of management" serving primarily as the "eyes" and "ears" of top management to monitor how well the quality system is developed and implemented. The MR primarily provides feedback to top management on the effectiveness of the quality management system. "The Management Representative primarily provides feedback to top management on the effectiveness of the quality management system." The MR might want to be careful not to insolate top management from their responsibilities. The writers of the ISO9000 standard perhaps saw the possibility of top management taking a "backseat" role in the operation of the quality system by delegating implementation responsibility to the "quality guy" (or gal). The result of this separates the real authority in the organization from the responsibility (i.e. accountability) for quality, including conformance of the QMS leading to lower effectiveness and efficiency overall. That said, the effective MR will accept the responsibility and exercise the authority of enabling the proper functioning of the QMS to meet its objectives. These duties, "irrespective of other responsibilities" include: a) ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained, b) reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement, and c) ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the organization. (ref. 5.5.2) Let's look at each of these individually. ENSURING IMPLEMENTATION The first responsibility of the MR is to ensure that all necessary QMS processes are adequately defined, effectively deployed, and continually kept up. To accomplish this, the MR generally takes the role of project managerfor the design and implementation of the QMS. This is often coordinated through one or more project teams who define processes relating to their areas of responsibility and involving appropriate functional managers. The MR may also coordinate or provide training to those developing the QMS processes and related documentation to ensure an adequate understanding of what is required. As processes are defined (and documented), the MR may also oversee the document control function as it pertains to the control of QMS documentation. This will ensure that the processes are effectively described in terms that will satisfy all requirements. Finally, the MR is often the coordinator of the internal auditors who monitor the compliance and effectiveness of the QMS. The effectiveness of the audit program is essential to the MR's ability to ensure proper implementation and maintenance of the required processes.

REPORTING RESULTS Beyond overseeing the implementation of the QMS, the MR is also responsible to report on the effectiveness and needed improvements of the QMS to top management for review and action. One means of reporting is thedistribution of internal audit reports to the appropriate functional managers and tracking open issues through successful resolution. The other primary means of MR reporting is by taking the role of facilitator for the management review. This can include:

Establishing the management review schedule Developing the management review agenda Coordinating the reporting of results Guiding the discussions through the agenda Suggesting needed improvements to the QMS Publishing minutes of the management review

Effective and clear reporting will give top management the information needed to manage and improve the QMS effectiveness. ENSURING AWARENESS The third primary responsibility of the MR is to ensure that customer requirements are communicated throughout the organization so all employees are aware of requirements that pertain to their job responsibilities. This does not necessarily mean that all communications must come directly from the MR. Instead, the MR must monitor how effectively this communication takes place and identify breakdowns that need to be addressed. This duty of ensuring employee awareness has been frequently criticized as being too open-ended to be practical. What specific "customer requirements" must employees be "aware" of? Must all employees be aware of all customer requirements? What criteria is used to assess whether this communication has been effective? As with many areas of the new standard, the use of general (aka "open-ended") language leaves the interpretation open for the company to define for their own unique needs. Since the MR is responsible to ensure this awareness of requirements, he/she might do well to start by defining which customer requirements need to be addressed to which employees. Here are some leading questions that might help you get started:
QUESTIONS: What requirements are explicitly stated by our customers? How? In what format? EXAMPLES: - Specifications - Purchase orders - Quality criteria - Other documented criteria - Proposal details - Quotations - Catalog specifications - Warrantees and return policies - Marketing materials - Delivering on time - Prompt, accurate communications - Reliable packaging

What might be considered a customer requirement because of our advertised promises?

What requirements might be implied by our customers as just doing good business?

Once a list of customer requirements is made they can be associated with the employees (by position, workgroup or department) that affect the company's ability to meet the requirements. Then the question must be asked, "How does this employee become aware of this requirement?" By asking "how?" the MR will

be able to evaluate the communication processes that are in place (or not in place as the case may be) to ensure that the awareness of requirements is maintained. Some examples of the types of communication processes that might be used are:

Standard meeting agendas Routing sheets for specifications Approvals Standard distribution lists Employee bulletins Procedure reviews Controlled wall postings Data charts showing the company's performance against requirements Employment handbooks Electronic workflows

This list could obviously be expanded based on a company's unique circumstances. By focusing on communication processes, and ensuring these processes are defined and implemented (including, perhaps, being subject to auditing), the MR can ensure effectiveness and repeatability throughout the organization. Keep in mind, though, that the MR's direct responsibility is to "ensure" that the communication takes place and that it is effective, not necessarily to provide all the communication directly. QUALITY LIAISON A final (suggested) duty for the MR is that he/she serves as: liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality management system. (Ref. 5.5.2) This can include coordinating audits with customers or your ISO registrar or other quality related communications that may be needed.


What characteristics and skills might you need to be effective in the role of Management Representative? Here are some thoughts:

Strong knowledge of ISO9000 requirements Broad knowledge of your company's operation and its QMS Ability to listen and influence Ability to summarize information and communicate effectively Project management and organizational skills

The Management Representative plays a critical role in your company's QMS. The more clearly you understand the responsibilities being asked of you, and the more clearly the rest of the organization understands your role, the more effective you can be. *** Scott Dawson is President and a Senior Consultant of Core Business Solutions and has more than 20 years. experience in manufacturing with the past 10 years consulting with organizations seeking IS0 9001 certification. Scott is also an active voting member of the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO Technical Committee 176 (TC 176), which is responsible for drafting ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 on quality management systems.

ISO 9001_Tentang Nomor Seri dan Tidak Terlalu Menjalankan ISO_Pertanyaan Pembaca
Pembaca "ISO 9001 Forum" yg budiman, ada pertanyaan dari seorang pembaca "ISO 9001Forum" ini mengenai angka 9001, 14001, dsb. Dan juga bagaimana jika perusahaan sudah sertifikasi ISO 9001 atau ISO 14001 tetapi tidak menjalankan System Manajemen ISOsebagaimana mestinya.

Pertanyaan aslinya bisa dibuka di link berikut:

Pertanyaannya seperti ini:

".......pertanyaan saya : kok hrs diberi angka ya.. 9001, ada yg 14001, apa yg membedakan/mencirikan antara satu dg yg lain?"

".......bagaimana jika suatu perusahaan yg sudah iso tp praktek di lapangan mereka tdk terlalu menjalankan iso tsb?"

Pembaca "ISO 9001 Forum" yg budiman, sejauh yg saya tahu angka-angka tsb merupakan kodifikasi, atau semacam nomor seri. Tujuannya tentu saja untuk memberikan kode, seri atau identitas pada standard yg dikeluarkan oleh badan internasional tsb, karena ada begitu banyaknya standard yg dikeluarkan.

Apa yg membedakan atau mencirikan satu sama lain? Yg membedakan adalah isi standardnya, karena beda nomor beda isi. Misalnya:

=> ISO 9001 itu berisi klausul-klausul tentang system manajemen mutu produk (barang atau jasa).

=> Sedangkan ISO 14001 berisi tentang system manajemen lingkungan, yakni jika klausul-klausul di dalam standard internasional ISO 14001 tsb dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya, maka proses yg dilakukan oleh organisasi yg memiliki aspek lingkungan tidak berdampak signifikan bagi lingkungan atau tidak mencemari lingkungan atau pencemaran lingkungannya sesuai dengan ambang batas yg ditentukan oleh hukum yg berlaku di masingmasing negara yang bersangkutan.

Apa itu aspek lingkungan dan dampak lingkungan dan ISO 14001 itu sendiri? Silakan baca atau klik ISO 14001 Forum, Blog yg saya khususkan untuk membahas System Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001.

Pembaca "ISO 9001 Forum" yg budiman, bagaimana jika perusahaan atau organisasi sudah mendapat sertifikasi ISO 9001 tetapi kemudian tidak menjalankan system manajemen mutu sebagaimana disyaratkan dalam standard internasional ISO 9001 ?

Jika terjadi demikian, kalau memang kepatuhan organisasi tersebut terhadap standard internasional ISO 9001 sudah sangat signifikan, major atau sangat keterlaluan, dan organisasi tsb juga tidak lagi memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan tindakan perbaikan untuk kembali ke "Jalur yg Benar", maka seharusnya sertifikat ISO 9001 atau pun ISO 14001 yg ada dicabut atau tidak lagi diijinkan untuk memproklamirkan diri bahwa organisasi tsb bersertifikat ISO 9001 atau ISO 14001.

Tetapi, itu juga tergantung pada badan sertifikasi yg memberikan sertifikat tsb. Jika auditoryg ditunjuk oleh badan sertifikasi tsb tidak dapat menemukan ketidakpatuhan atau penyimpangan yg dilakukan organisasi tsb, maka bisa saja ketidak-patuhannya ini tidak berdampak pada sertifikasi. Tetapi tentu saja akan berdampak pada kinerja organisasi tsb terhadap kualitas produknya.

Atau, bisa saja ketidak-patuhan tsb ditemukan oleh auditor eksternal dari badan sertifikasitsb, tetapi karena ada "main mata" maka kemudian sertifikat tetap saja diberikan meskipun organisasi tsb tidak melakukan tindakan perbaikan.

Pertanyaannya, kira-kira ada atau tidak di Indonesia ini badan sertifikasi atau auditor yg ditunjuk oleh badan sertifikasi yg "suka main mata" seperti ini? Mungkin pertanyaan ini sama dengan: "Ada tidak di Indonesia ini hakim yg "main mata" dengan tersangka/terdakwa?" Anda sendiri yg tahu.

Sebenarnya adanya system sertifikasi dan audit eksternal ini merupakan kelebihan system manajemen mutu ISO 9001 dibanding system manajemen lainnya, tetapi kalau yg terjadi adalah adanya kolusi atau "main-mata" seperti tsb di atas, maka implementasi system manajemen mutu ISO 9001 (QMS ISO 9001) hanya formalitas saja demi selembar sertifikat. Dampaknya.... konsumen bisa tertipu.... dan akhirnya, "penipu" itu lama-lama kehilangan konsumen.... dan akhirnya.... penipu itu bangkrut atau mati, dech....!!! Kasihan, ya...???? 6 comments Links to this post

Labels: ISO 9001_Tentang Nomor Seri dan Tidak Terlalu Menjalankan ISO_Pertanyaan Pembaca

Dear all, We are an ISO 9000:2008 certified organization (consultancy). The ISO matters are looked by MR (management representative). My question is What should be the role of the MR for this? Should the MR be a part of Management also ? I will be happy if you define it broadly. Thanks JYOTISH Contributing Member - Member Since: Feb 2010
Subject - Re: Responsiblity of ISO MR

Yes, a MR can be a part of management also. He can play a multiple role. The role of MR is to prepare and co-ordinate Audit Calendar. He will be the communication channel between the ISO Representatives and the company He will be leading the team of Internal Auditors He will specifically design and train the employees on Audit/ISO Standards and Guidelines The above are few KRA's of a MR.


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