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City of. S Pensacola Office of the America's First Settlement Mayor and City Council Established 1559 May 8, 2009 ‘The Honorable Grover C, Robinson, IV Escambia County District 4 Commissioner, Viee Chair P.O. Box 1591 Pensacola, FL 32597 Dear Grover: Itwas good seving you at the dedication for the Navy Federal Credit Union event on Tuesday, May 5, 2009. It is cncouraging to scc the development in our community turning "Cireen" and building environmentally friendly buildings. I hope that we will continue to see other developers build "Green". As we discussed and has becn discussed at a joint City/County mecting, Escambia County might be agreeable in participating in the funding of the new downtown library for the City of Pensacola, Lain very interested in continuing this discussion with you along with the other members of the Liscambia County Commission and keeping Al Coby, City Manager, Mike Wiggins, Mayor and other members of the City Council involved and informed. Please let me know what I or the City Council can do to further pursue Escambia County's participation in funding. As you know, the City has recently chosen an architect and time is of the essence, look forward to hearing from you. Larry B, Johnfon City Council Nfemher, District 4 ce: Escambia County Board of County Commissioners Mayor and City Council Al Coby, City Manager Bob McLaughlin, County Administrator 180 Governmental Center PO. Bor 12910 Pensacola, Florida 32521 Telephone (850) 435-1600 FAX (860) 435.1611

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