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Meditation Moments

1. Read the Book of Philippians this week 2. Paul emphasized unity that would be achieved through humility in Philippians. In the opening sentence of this letter, he demonstrated his own humility by referring to himself as a bondservant or slave of Jesus Christ. Use a concordance or Bible dictionary to look up the full meaning of this term. For a deeper study, you might like to go to and use the myriad of research tools there.

3. In Philippians 1:27, Paul uses the phrase one mind to admonish the brethren to be unified. How many other times is this phrase used in the New Testament? Was Paul the only New Testament writer concerned with brethren having one mind? Why do you suppose that is?

4. After looking at the many places Paul addresses unity in this letter, do you think Paul was concerned about dis-unity in the Philippian congregation? Why or why not?

5. What gave Paul such confidence in the brethren in Philippi? What good work was it that God had begun in them?

6. In your own words, what was the ONE thing Paul seemed concerned with? What was he obsessed with?

7. Take some time this week to dig deeper into Philippians 2:5-11. Study from multiple commentaries and do a word study. Then make time for meditation and prayer as you apply to yourself what you have learned.
Philippians - Lesson 2 2013 Dana Burk - All Rights Reserved

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